
From Star Trek Timelines
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Missions, also known as episodes and conflicts, are a key part of Star Trek Timelines, allowing players to progress in the storyline. Conflicts begin with players selecting their crew. Different crew are better suited for different tasks. Each character is proficient in at least one skill: Diplomacy, Science, Security, Command, Engineering and Medicine. Skills can be improved by leveling up, and fusing characters with extra copies of themselves. Crew also have inherent abilities called traits. For example, Commander Riker has the Pilot trait.

Once they have been selected, the Away Missions is sent to resolve the conflict. In each conflict, the player is faced with choices, taking them down a different path and leading to different challenges, similar to a Choose Your Own Adventure book.[1] Players may continue with the conflict even if they fail some challenges. However, they will fail the conflict if they fail to complete the last challenge. To determine if they win a challenge or not, characters compete against that challenge's difficulty. This is where their skills and traits are used. For example, a stage may require 22 Security Security. There can be different mission outcomes, for example if an Away Missions utilizing mostly combat oriented crew is used there may be a combat based resolution, which will be different to a diplomatic resolution, and this will affect the narrative.[2]

By completing conflicts, players can gain crew experience, credits, equipment, knowledge and many other items. Completing conflicts is a key way to improve crew in Star Trek Timelines.

Current Missions

The tables below shows chronitons cost and requirement level.

They also lists credits, character and captain XP gain per mission, presuming you did not fail any part if it.


The Prologue missions are the introduction sequence of the game. Many of them cannot be replayed.
Upon completion of these missions, the player will gain Commander Spock and 60,000Credits, and will be level 4.

The Beginning (Intro tutorial only)

Name Type Chronitons Requirement Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
The First Battle
Starship Battles Skips result screen so can't see XP gained, but whatever it is, captain goes to level 2 instantly.
Mission 2:
A Violent Birth
Away Missions 6 300 Play with level 1 Rifle Janeway, Defiant Commander Worf, and Commander Spock, however stats are much higher than level 1 and do not match any level (Intro Janeway has 73 CMD and 73 SEC; those two skills are never equal in the actual Rifle Janeway). Captain level 3 instantly.
Choose Promoted Sisko, Enterprise-D Picard , or Captain Kirk

After the first two missions are done, assuming no failed mission steps, the player will have 41,950 credits.

Logic Under Fire (Intro tutorial only)

Name Type Chronitons Requirement Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
A Show of Force
Starship Battles 4 9 300 2 Has a higher drop rate for certain items compared to many early missions. If you were smart enough to look at the wiki before playing the game, it may actually be worth it to repeat this mission about a dozen times before completing the second mission of this episode.

Gives on average 2.6 Basic Survival Training, which, in addition to victory XP, is equivalent to 22 XP per crew or 5.5 per chroniton.

Choose Faction: Federation for Commander Spock or KCA for Commander Kruge (Tutorial forces Federation)
Federation Victory:
Boots on the Ground
Away Missions 4 12 300 2

Episode 1 - The Art of War

Episode 1 -The Art of War [edit]

Competing factions: Klingon Empire vs. Augments

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
The Wrong Crowd
Away Missions 4 | 4 | 8 21 | 67 | 119
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
12 | 36 | 60 300 | 300 | 600 2 | 15 | 25 Elite cost is 4 chr instead of 6, and has the best XP/Chr ratio (9.00) for an Away Missions mission.
Elite can drop 2x Constellation Class Schematic.
Mission 2:
His Own Man
Starship Battles 4 | 6 | 8 - - 9 | 36 | 60 300 | 450 | 600 2 | 16 | 26
Mission 3:
The Prodigal Son
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 8 22 | 68 | 130
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
12 | 36 | 64 300 | 452 | 600 2 | 16 | 27
Mission 4:
Assault and Battery
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 10 23 | 73 | 140
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
EngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
12 | 40 | 68 300 | 452 | 752 3 | 18 | 27
Mission 5:
On Their Heels
Starship Battles 4 | 6 | 10 - - 12 | 39 | 69 300 | 450 | 750 3 | 18 | 28
Mission 6:
A Father Figure
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 10 24 | 73 | 150
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
12 | 40 | 72 300 | 452 | 752 3 | 18 | 28 One node requires a Physician or Nurse with Medical Medicine
Many choices. The best of which is Crell Moset or Bashir.
Mission 7:
Pillage and Plunder
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 10 25 | 77 | 160
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
12 | 44 | 72 300 | 452 | 752 3 | 19 | 29 Epic can drop 3x Jem'Hadar Fighter Schematic
Mission 8:
Beyond the Call
Starship Battles 4 | 6 | 12 - - 15 | 42 | 75 300 | 450 | 900 5 | 19 | 29 Epic can drop 3x Klingon K'Vort Bird-of-Prey Schematic
Mission 9:
Double Trouble
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 12 29 | 76 | 169
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
16 | 44 | 80 300 | 452 | 900 5 | 19 | 30
Mission 10:
Stolen Honor
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 12 32 | 81 | 184
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards ScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
16 | 48 | 84 300 | 452 | 900 5 | 21 | 31
Mission 11:
Behind Closed Doors
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 12 34 | 83 | 184
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses Engineering
ScienceOptional reward node uses Science
20 | 48 | 84 300 | 452 | 900 7 | 21 | 31
Mission 12:
A Logical Response
Starship Battles 4 | 6 | 14 - - 18 | 45 | 84 300 | 450 | 1050 7 | 21 | 31
Mission 13:
Right of Conquest
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 14 36 | 84 | 185
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards Diplomacy
SecurityAll paths require, some with rewards Security
MedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
20 | 48 | 84 300 | 452 | 1052 7 | 21 | 31
Choose Faction: Klingon Empire for Security Chief Worf or Augments for Persis
Mission 14A:
Cleansing Fire
(Klingon Victory)
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 14 39 | 86 | 184
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
24 | 48 | 88 300 | 452 | 1052 8 | 22 | 32 Elite/Epic can drop 3x Constellation Class Schematic
Mission 14B:
By Hook Or By Crook
(Augment Victory)
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 14 39 | 86 | 184
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards Security
24 | 48 | 88 300 | 452 | 1052 8 | 22 | 32 One node requires a Federation or Diplomat trait with Diplomacy Diplomacy
Many choices, the strongest of which are Commander Troi, Enterprise-E Picard and Arachnia Janeway.
Elite/Epic can drop 3x Constellation Class Schematic

Episode 2 - Never Forgive, Never Forget

Episode 2 - Never Forgive, Never Forget [edit]

Competing factions: Cardassian vs. Maquis vs. Bajoran

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Under New Management
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 14 42 | 91 | 199
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses Engineering
ScienceOptional reward node uses Science
24 | 48 | 88 300 | 452 | 1052 10 | 22 | 32
Mission 2:
The Vedek's Trail
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 14 44 | 95 | 215
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
24 | 52 | 88 300 | 600 | 1052 10 | 23 | 32 One reward node requires a completion of a preceding node.
Mission 3:
The Army of Anaydis
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 16 27 | 51 | 90 300 | 600 | 1200 12 | 23 | 32
Mission 4:
The Mad Vedek
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 16 47 | 100 | 229
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses Security
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
28 | 52 | 92 300 | 600 | 1200 12 | 23 | 32 One reward node requires successful completion of a previous node to unlock it, see bug notes below
Mission 5:
Manna from Heaven
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 16 49 | 105 | 245
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
ScienceAll paths require, some with rewards ScienceMedicineAll paths require, some with rewards Medicine
36 | 52 | 92 300 | 600 | 1200 15 | 23 | 32 Normal has the best XP/Chr ratio (9.00) for an Away Missions mission.
Mission 6:
Not A Drop to Drink
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 16 30 | 51 | 90 300 | 600 | 1200 14 | 23 | 32
Mission 7:
Hot Pursuit
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 16 30 | 54 | 93 300 | 600 | 1200 14 | 24 | 33
Mission 8:
Rescue the Val Jean
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 16 51 | 115 | 260
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses Engineering
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
32 | 56 | 96 300 | 600 | 1200 14 | 24 | 33 One reward node requires successful completion of a previous node to unlock it, see bug notes below
Mission 9:
Maquis Incitement
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 16 54 | 119 | 274
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses Security
32 | 60 | 96 300 | 600 | ?? 14 | 25 | ?? One reward node requires a Bajoran or Maquis with Diplomacy Diplomacy.
Several choices, the best of which is Grand Nagus Rom
Mission 10:
The Walls Have Ears
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 16 33 | 57 | 93 300 | 600 | 1200 15 | 25 | 33 Normal has the highest XP/Chr ratio (8.25 XP/Chr) for Starship Battles Missions.
Thus it is the best XP/Chr in the game if you have a 5* ship. This same ratio is also available from the Elite level of Long Distance Call—the first distress call mission in the Delphic Expanse
Mission 11:
Off at the Pass
Away Missions 6 | 8 | 16 58 | 127 | 290
DiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards Security
36 | 60 | 96 450 | 600 | 1200 16 | 26 | 33 (Init 943) One reward node requires the Brutal or Duelist traits with Security Security.
Several choices, Tommy Gun Dixon, Fencing Sulu and General Martok are the strongest choices.
Elite can drop 1x Nova Class Schematic
Mission 12:
Internal Dispute
Away Missions 6 | 8 | 16 63 | 135 | 304
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
39 | 63 | 96 450 | 600 | 1200 18 | 27 | 33 (Init 943) One reward node requires successful completion of a previous node to unlock it, see bug notes below
Mission 13:
For His Own Good
Starship Battles 6 | 8 | 16 42 | 63 | 96 450 | 600 | 1200 19 | 27 | 33 Elite has the 2nd best XP/Chr ratio (7.875XP/Chr) for Starship Battles Missions. Get 95.45% of the Crew XP in half as many missions. This same ratio is also available from Epic Highwaymen and Normal Mutual Assured Destruction
Mission 14:
Cardassian Hospitality
Away Missions 6 | 8 | 16 63 | 144 | 320
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineAll paths require, some with rewards Medicine
40 | 64 | 96 452 | 600 | 1200 18 | 27 | 33 (Init 943) One reward node requires a Constable or Interrogator with Security Security (Mirror Phlox, Constable Odo, Luther Sloan, Investigator Odo, or Mirror Garak)
Mission 15:
Temporary Hold
Away Missions 6 | 10 | 16 68 | 149 | 335
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards Security
44 | 68 | 96 452 | 752 | 1200 19 | 27 | ?? One reward node requires a Cardassian or Changeling with Diplomacy Diplomacy [(Crell Moset, Tailor Garak, Mirror Garak, or Klingon Dukat only) list needs update]
Mission 16:
Picking the Bones
Away Missions 6 | 10 | 18 68 | 165 | 350
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurity
MedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
44 | 72 | 100 452 | 752 | 1352 19 | 28 | 33 (Init 963) One reward node requires a Tactician or Veteran with Command Command.
[Many choices, Captain Sisko or Mirror Regent Worf are the strongest choices. list needs update]
This mission was formerly known as Hot Pursuit (Away Team).
Mission 17:
Pretense of Mercy
Away Missions 6 | 6 | 12 71 | 175 | 364
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
ScienceAll paths require, some with rewards ScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
48 | 44 | 80 452 | 452 | 900 21 | 19 | 30 (Init 820) Last Science Science locked node requires Smuggler or Civilian trait.
Mission 18:
A Popular Item
Starship Battles 6 | 10 | 18 45 | 72 | 99 450 | 750 | 1350 21 | 29 | 33
Choose Faction: Bajoran for Vedek Winn Adami, Maquis for Maquis Takeover Torres, or Cardassian for Klingon Dukat
Mission 19A:
The Toss
(Bajoran Victory)
Away Missions 6 | 10 | 18 73 | 185 | 380
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
50 | 75 | 100 450 | 600 | 1350 22 | 29 | ?? Normal can drop 3x Maquis Raider Schematic
Mission 19B:
Man with a Plan
(Maquis Victory)
Away Missions 6 | 10 | 18 73 | 184 | 380
All paths require CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards Security
50 | 75 | ?? 450 | 600 | 1080 22 | 29 | 33 One reward node requires a Cardassian or Changeling with Diplomacy Diplomacy [(Crell Moset, Tailor Garak or Klingon Dukat only) list needs update].
Normal can drop 3x Maquis Raider Schematic
Mission 19C:
A New Recruit
(Cardassian Victory)
Away Missions 6 | 10 | 18 73 | 185 | 380
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
SecurityAll paths require, some with rewards SecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards Science
(50) | 72 | ?? (450) | 752 | ?? 22 | ?? | ?? One reward node requires a Maquis or Inspiring trait with Command Command
[Several choices, the best of which is Maquis Eddington list needs update]
Normal can drop 3x Maquis Raider Schematic

Episode 3 - From On High

Episode 3 - From On High [edit]

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Family Squabble
Starship Battles 8 | 12 | 18 54 | 78 | 99 600 | 900 | 1350 24 | 30 | 33 Elite can drop 3x Nova Class Schematic
This is the mission with the best potential Chron-to-Schematic ratio (4/1) for these
Mission 2:
Cytherian Highway
Away Missions 8 | 12 | 18 75 | 180 | 395
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses Engineering
ScienceAll paths require, some with rewards ScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
52 | 80 | 150 600 | 900 | 1350 23 | 30 | ?? One reward node requires a Android or Cyberneticist with Science Science (For normal/elite, Lt. Commander Data will do)
Mission 3:
A Singular Occurrence
Away Missions 8 | 12 | 18 81 | 184 | 409
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards Command
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards Science
56 | 80 | ?? 600 | 900 | ?? 24 | 30 | ??
Mission 4:
Organian Aid
Away Missions 8 | 12 | 18 89 | 189 | 425
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
56 | 84 | ?? 600 | 900 | ?? 24 | 31 | ??
Mission 5:
Starship Battles 8 | 12 | 18 54 | 81 | 102 600 | 900 | 1350 24 | 31 | 34

Episode 4 - Hostile Takeover

Competing Factions: Ferengi Alliance vs. Ferengi Traditionalists

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Ishka Issues
Away Missions 8 | 14 | 18 90 | 209 | 440
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards Science
60 | 84 | ?? 600 | 1052 | ?? 25 | 31 | ?? One node requires a Gambler or Smuggler with Diplomacy Diplomacy. Morn, Acting Nagus Brunt or Dr. Reyga

Normal can drop 1x Klingon K'Vort Bird-of-Prey Schematic

Mission 2:
Not Without A Fight
Starship Battles 8 | 14 | 18 60 | 84 | 102 600 | 1050 | 1350 26 | 31 | ??
Mission 3:
A Kazon Scorned
Starship Battles 8 | 14 | 18 60 | 87 | 102 600 | 1050 | 1350 26 | 31 | ??
Mission 4:
Common Ground
Away Missions 8 | 14 | 18 95 | 214 | 455
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards Diplomacy
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
60 | (86) | ?? 600 | 1052 | ?? 26 | 31 | ??
Mission 5:
Deadly Disruptions
Away Missions 8 | 14 | 20 101 | 220 | 469
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurity
MedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
64 | 88 | ?? 600 | 1052 | ?? 27 | 32 | ?? One node requires completion of a preceding node, see bug note 1 below.
Mission 6:
Self Control
Away Missions 8 | 14 | 20 106 | 224 | 485
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
64 | 88 | ?? 600 | 1052 | ?? 27 | 32 | ?? One reward node requires an Undercover Operative or Physician with Medical Medicine.
Both Commando Crusher and Rakal Troi qualify, though Troi gains MED very slowly.

Normal can drop 1x Jem'Hadar Fighter Schematic

Mission 7:
Mutual Assured Destruction
Starship Battles 8 | 14 | 20 63 | 87 | 105 600 | 1050 | 1500 27 | 32 | 34 Normal has the 2nd best XP/Chr ratio (7.875XP/Chr) for Starship Battles Missions. Get 95.45% of the Crew XP in half as many missions. This same ratio is also available from Elite For His Own Good and Epic Highwaymen
Mission 8:
Arms Race
Starship Battles 10 | 14 | 20 66 | 87 | 105 750 | 1050 | 1500 27 | ?? | ??
Mission 9:
Fan Club
Starship Battles 10 | 16 | 20 66 | 90 | 105 750 | 1200 | 1500 ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 10:
Trial by Fire
Away Missions 10 | 16 | 22 111 | 229 | 499
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards Command
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
68 | 92 | ?? 752 | 1200 | ?? 27 | 32 | ?? The cost for (Epic Epic) seems to be bugged as the preceding 5 missions all cost 20, as do the following 2 missions and in every other case, cost slowly increases incrementally, never decreases.
Mission 11:
He Means Well
Starship Battles 10 | 16 | 20 69 | 90 | 105 750 | 1200 | 1500 28 | 32 | 34 Normal can drop 2x Jem'Hadar Fighter Schematic
Mission 12:
For the People
Away Missions 10 | 16 | 20 114 | 234 | 515
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards Diplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
72 | ?? | ?? 752 | ?? | ?? 28 | ?? | ?? One node requires a Changeling or Hologram with Command Command. Changeling Founder, Jazz Musician Odo, The Professor, or Mobile Doctor.
Doctor Chaotica can pass normal at level 100 with Crew Progression/Hidden Skills.
Mission 13:
With Friends Like These
Away Missions 10 | 16 | 22 118 | 239 | 529
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
72 | ?? | ?? 752 | ?? | ?? 28 | ?? | ?? One node requires a Changeling or Kazon with Command Command.
Elite is possible with First Maje Culluh, Kazon Seska or Constable Odo, for Epic you will need a Changeling like Changeling Founder or Stranded Odo. No Kazon has enough Command for Epic.
Choose Faction: Ferengi Alliance for Dr. Reyga or Ferengi Traditionalists for Acting Nagus Brunt
Mission 14A:
Putting the Free in Freedom
(Ferengi Alliance Victory)
Away Missions 10 | 16 | 22 120 | 240 | 544
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
72 | ?? | ?? 752 | 1200 | ?? 29 | ?? | ?? One node requires Crafty or Inspiring with Diplomacy Diplomacy (Judge Q only?).
Normal can drop 10x Ferengi D'Kora Marauder Schematic as a rare reward
Normal can drop 2x Klingon K'Vort Bird-of-Prey Schematic
Mission 14B:
Smiles and Knives
(Traditionalists Victory)
Away Missions 10 | 16 | 22 120 | 240 | 544
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards ScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
72 | ?? | ?? 752 | ?? | ?? (29) | ?? | ?? One node requires a Changeling or Undercover Operative with Security Security
There are now several choices, the best being Undercover O'Brien, followed by Tailor Garak.

Normal can drop 10x Ferengi D'Kora Marauder Schematic as a rare reward
Normal can drop 2x Klingon K'Vort Bird-of-Prey Schematic

Episode 5 - Ethical Alternatives

Competing Factions: Terran Empire vs. Section 31

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Quell the Riots
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 123 | 275 | 559
All paths require CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
76 | ?? | ?? 900 | ?? | 1652 29 | ?? | ?? One reward node requires a Human with Command Command
Many choices. Captain Sisko. Wrathful Khan and Captain Janeway are the strongest 3 choices.
Mission 2:
A Bold Move
Starship Battles 12 | 16 | 22 78 | 93 | 108 900 | 1200 | 1650 29 | 33 | 34
Mission 3:
Coursing Hounds
Starship Battles 12 | 16 | 22 78 | 93 | 108 900 | 1200 | 1650 29 | ?? | 34
Mission 4:
Race to the Finish
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 126 | 279 | 574
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
76 | 96 | ?? 900 | 1200 | 1650 29 | 33 | ??
Mission 5:
Blunting the Dagger
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 129 | 285 | 589
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
80 | ?? | ?? 900 | 1200 | 1650 30 | ?? | ?? One reward node requires Pilot or Saboteur with Security Security.
Realistically only Mirror Archer or Fencing Sulu.
Away Team Archer gets enough Security Security to earn the reward on normal at level 90.
Mission 6:
Secure the Chavez
Starship Battles 12 | 16 | 22 78 | 96 | 108 900 | 1200 | 1650 30 | ?? | 34
Mission 7:
Salvage the Chavez
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 132 | 290 | 604
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
80 | ?? | ?? 900 | 1200 | 1650 30 | ?? | ?? One node requires a Vulcan or Android with Command Command. Mirror Spock is the strongest option.
Commander T'Pol and Security Chief Tuvok are viable 4* and 3* options.
Mission 8:
Act of Betrayal
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 135 | 295 | 619
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses Security
80 | ?? | ?? 900 | 1200 | 1650 30 | ?? | ?? One node requires a Communicator or Crafty with Diplomacy Diplomacy.
Several choices, the best of which is Commander Uhura.
Mission 9:
Control Over Chaos
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 138 | 299 | 634
All paths require CommandCommand
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
84 | 96 | ?? 900 | 1200 | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One reward node requires Pilot or Maverick with Command Command. Realistically only Mirror Archer or Fencing Sulu.
Three 2* pilots get enough Command Command to earn the reward on normal- Away Team Archer, Cadet Sito Jaxa, and Commander Riker.
Mission 10:
Proof of Concept
Starship Battles 12 | 18 | 22 81 | 99 | 111 900 | 1350 | 1650 31 | ?? | 34
Mission 11:
Saving Smiley O'Brien
Away Missions 12 | 18 | 22 141 | 304 | 650
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurity
84 | ?? | ?? 900 | ?? | ?? 31 | ?? | ??
Mission 12:
Into His Own Hands
Starship Battles 12 | 18 | 22 81 | 99 | 111 900 | 1350 | 1650 31 | ?? | 34
Mission 13:
Instant Intervention
Starship Battles 14 | 18 | 22 84 | 99 | 111 1050 | 1350 | 1650 ?? | 33 | 34
Mission 14:
Back to School
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 22 144 | 309 | 665
All paths require CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineering
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
85 | 120 | ?? 1050 | 1350 | 1650 31 | ?? | ?? One node requires completion of a proceeding node, see bug notes below.
Mission 15:
Turncoat Outpost
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 22 147 | 314 | 680
All paths require CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
84 | ?? | ?? 1052 | ?? | ?? 31 | ?? | ??
Mission 16:
Baited Hook
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 22 150 | 319 | 694
All paths require CommandCommand
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
84 | ?? | ?? 1052 | ?? | ?? 31 | ?? | ??
Mission 17:
Long Live the King
Starship Battles 14 | 18 | 22 84 | 102 | 111 1050 | 1350 | 1650 31 | ?? | 34
Choose Faction: Terran Empire for 50x Defiant-Class Ship Schematic or Section 31 for 50x Nova Class Schematic
Mission 18A:
Thy Enemy's Secrets
(Terran Empire Victory)
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 22 150 | 319 | 709
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
84 | ?? | ?? 1052 | 1350 | 1650 31 | ?? | ?? One reward node requires Undercover Operative or Resourceful with Command CommandRakal Troi, Kazon Seska or Pel are options.
The second locked node has no reward and requires Scoundrel or Brutal with Security Security
Last reward node locked by Terran Empire with Security Security
Mission 18B:
The Annihilation Syndrome
(Section 31 Victory)
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 22 150 | 319 | 709
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
84 | ?? | ?? (1052) | 1350 | 1650 31 | ?? | ?? Veteran with Command Command, Duelist with Security Security, Physician with Medical Medicine

Episode 6 - Something Rotten

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
The Rings of Time
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 24 155 | 375 | 725
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
88 | ?? | ?? 1052 | ?? | ?? 32 | ?? | ?? One node requires Android with Security Security — High level Detective Data is probably the best choice here.
Also, Empath with Diplomacy DiplomacyCommander Troi only
A third node requires Quantum Mechanics or Prodigy with Science Science
Mission 2:
Ancient Guardians
Starship Battles 16 | 18 | 24 90 | 102 | 114 1200 | 1350 | 1800 32 | ?? | ??
Mission 3:
Too Greedily and Too Deep
Away Missions 14 | 18 | 24 160 | 385 | 740
EngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
90 | ?? | ?? 1050 | ?? | ?? 32 | ?? | ?? One node requires a Changeling with Security Security - Constable Odo or Changeling Bashir - 1* Odo won't suffice.
Another node requires a full clear along the bottom node line. Final node is Engineering Engineering.
Mission 4:
The Time Transporter
Away Missions 14 | 20 | 24 170 | 394 | 754
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineering
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
88 | ?? | ?? 1052 | ?? | ?? 32 | ?? | ?? The non locked path features 3 Engineering Engineering nodes in a row.
One node requires Quantum Mechanics OR Prodigy with Science Science - Feezal Phlox only.
Also a Pilot with Command Command - Mirror Archer or Fencing Sulu, it's also bugged and shows twice.

Episode 7 - When Falcons Clash

Competing Factions: Romulan Star Empire vs. Klingon-Cardassian Alliance

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Improvised Entry
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 167 | 405 | 769
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineering
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Undercover Operative with Diplomacy
Mission 2:
Battle Shinzon
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 90 | 105 | 114 1200 | 1500 | 1800 32 | 34 | 34
Mission 3:
Material Assistance
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 174 | 415 | 784
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommand
All paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Inspiring with Command
One node requires Saboteur or Scoundrel with Command
Mission 4:
The Raptors' Fury
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 181 | 425 | 800
All paths require CommandCommand
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Marksman with Security
One node requires Saboteur or Veteran with Engineering
Mission 5:
Right Place, Wrong Time
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 93 | 108 | 114 1200 | 1650 | 1800 ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 6:
Striking at Shadows
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 188 | 434 | 815
All paths require CommandCommand
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Marksman with Security
One node requires Tactician or Hunter with Command
Mission 7:
One Future Ends
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 195 | 444 | 830
All paths require CommandCommand
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Nurse or Exobiology with Medicine
One node requires Quantum Mechanics or Prodigy with Science
Mission 8:
Retroactive Vengeance
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 98 | 106 | 114 1200 | 1650 | 1800 ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 9:
Researching Future History
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 205 | 455 | 844
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScience
96 | 0 | 0 1200 | 0 | 0 33 | 0 | 0 One node requires Innovator or Prodigy with Engineering
One node requires Vulcan with Diplomacy
Mission 10:
Trust Issues
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 212 | 464 | 860
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Communicator with Diplomacy
Mission 11:
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 96 | 111 | 114 1200 | 1650 | 1800 ?? | ?? | ?? Epic has the current best XP (114XP) for Starship Battles Missions.
Mission 12:
Lost Legacy
Away Missions 18 | 22 | 24 222 | 475 | 874
All paths require DiplomacyDiplomacy
All paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Undercover Operative or Investigator with Science
One node requires Smuggler or Scoundrel with Diplomacy
Choose Faction: Romulan Star Empire for Commander Tomalak or Klingon-Cardassian Alliance for Mirror Garak
Mission 13A:
Garak's Gamble
Starship Battles 18 | 22 | 24 99 | 111 | 114 ?? | ?? | 1800 ?? | ?? | 34 Epic has the current best XP (114XP) for Starship Battles Missions.
Mission 13B:
Death's Endeavor
Away Missions 18 | 22 | 24 230 | 485 | 890
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Maverick or Inspiring with Security

Episode 8 - The Killing Syndrome

Competing Factions: Hirogen vs. Dominion

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Evacuation Orders
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 232 | 487 | 881
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Brutal with Command
Mission 2:
Change of Scenery
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 90 | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 3:
Field Modifications
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 235 | 493 | 893
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Ferengi with Diplomacy
Mission 4:
Shielding the Prey
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 90 | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 5:
The Verge of Destruction
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 240 | 504 | 912
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Android with Engineering
Mission 6:
Surveying the Sphere
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 244 | 512 | 902
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 7:
The Vanguard's Challenge
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | 114 ?? | ?? | 1800 ?? | ?? | 34 Epic has the current best XP (114XP) for Starship Battles Missions.
Mission 8:
Boardroom Politics
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | 114 ?? | ?? | 1800 ?? | ?? | 34 Epic has the current best XP (114XP) for Starship Battles Missions.
Mission 9:
Ostensible Proof
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 253 | 531 | 936
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 10:
Back Into the Fold
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 259 | 543 | 945
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Veteran with Security
Mission 11:
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 273 | 573 | 996
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 12:
Feed A Fever
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 284 | 596 | 1008
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? One node requires Dominion with Diplomacy. The traits Dominion and Communicator give a bonus, meaning that Changeling Founder, Kilana, Weyoun Clone 4 and Dominion Dukat are safe choices even at the highest difficulty.
Mission 13:
Lashing Out
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | 114 ?? | ?? | 1800 ?? | ?? | 34 Epic has the current best XP (114XP) for Starship Battles Missions.
Choose Faction: Hirogen for Colonel Karr or Dominion for Weyoun Clone 4
Mission 14A:
Proven Toxicity
(Hirogen Victory)
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 289 | 606 | 1011
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 14B:
Going Viral
(Dominion Victory)
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 289 | 606 | 1011
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??

Episode 9 - Strange Bedfellows

Competing Factions: Borg vs. Federation

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Rapid Response
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | 1800 923 | 994 | 1034
Mission 2:
Into the Lion's Den
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 295 | 619 | 1121
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
?? | ?? | ?? 960 | 1200 | ?? 923 | 994 | ??
Mission 3:
Kicking the Nest
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 305 | 640 | 1159
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
EngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards Security
?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | ?? 923 | 994 | ??
Choose Faction: Borg for Drone Seven of Nine or Federation for Tommy Gun Dixon
Mission 4A:
Bearing Up
(Borg Victory)
Away Missions 24 | 16 | 20 315 | 661 | 1197
DiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses Security
MedicineAll paths require, some with rewards Medicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 4B:
Scatter Thine Enemies
(Federation Victory)
Starship Battles 18 | 22 | 24 ?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | 1800 923 | 994 | 1034

Episode 10 - Shadow of a Doubt

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Fool Me Twice
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | 1800 923 | 994 | 1034
Mission 2:
Highway to Hell
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 330 | 693 | 1023
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards Command
EngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
?? | ?? | ?? 1204 | ?? | ?? 923 | ?? | ??
Mission 3:
Ruinous Staycation
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 342 | 718 | 1060
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards Command
EngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards Engineering
ScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | ?? 923 | 994 | ??
Mission 4:
Flash of Lightning
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | 1800 923 | 994 | 1034
Mission 5:
An Infinite Welcome
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 354 | 743 | 1097
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards ScienceMedicineAll paths require, some with rewards Medicine
?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | ?? | ?? 923 | ?? | ??
Mission 6:
Into the Cave
Away Missions 16 | 20 | 24 366 | 768 | 1134
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringAll paths require, some with rewards EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
?? | ?? | ?? 960 | 1500 | 1800 923 | 994 | 1034
Mission 7:
Our Harshest Critic
Starship Battles 16 | 20 | 24 ?? | ?? | ?? 1200 | 1500 | 1800 923 | 994 | 1034

Distress Calls - Delphic Expanse

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Long Distance Call
Starship Battles 4 | 4 | 8 6 | 33 | 57 300 | 300 | 600 2 | 15 | 25 Elite has the current best XP/Chr ratio (8.25XP/Chr) for Starship Battles Missions.
This same ratio is also available from the Normal level of The Walls Have Ears–the 10th mission of Episode 2
Mission 2:
A Tale of Forgotten Lore
Away Missions 4 | 4 | 8 25 | 67 | 120
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
10 | 35 | 60 300 | 300 | 600 2 | 15 | 25 One reward node previously required a Cyberneticist with Science Science. It no longer does.
Mission 3:
Starship Battles 4 | 6 | 8 6 | 36 | 63 300 | 450 | 600 2 | 16 | 27 Epic has the 2nd best XP/Chr ratio (7.875XP/Chr) for Starship Battles Missions. Get 95.45% of the Crew XP in half as many missions. This same ratio is also available from Elite For His Own Good and Normal Mutual Assured Destruction
Mission 4:
A Time of Morn-ing
Away Missions 4 | 6 | 8 35 | 49 | 70
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
10 | 40 | 60 300 | 450 | 600 2 | 16 | 26 One reward node requires a Diplomat or Communicator with Diplomacy Diplomacy
Many good choices added in a patch, the best of which is Grand Nagus Rom
Mission 5:
Indiscriminate Mind
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 10 24 | 60 | 66 300 | 600 | 750 10 | 26 | 27
Mission 6:
Mortals and Mayhem
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 10 47 | 95 | 160
All paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
25 | 55 | 70 300 | 600 | 750 10 | 23 | 27 One reward node requires Prodigy or Quantum Mechanics with Science Science
(any Wesley Crusher, or Feezal Phlox)
Other optional non-reward node requires Empath or Cultural Figure with Diplomacy Diplomacy (Counselor Troi, Commander Troi, Vedek Winn Adami, ...)
Normal can drop 1x Maquis Raider Schematic
Mission 7:
Death in Battle
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 10 27 | 54 | 69 300 | 600 | 750 12 | 24 | 28
Mission 8:
Iconian Insider
Away Missions 4 | 8 | 10 68 | 115 | 165
All paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
36 | 60 | 72 300 | 600 | 752 15 | 25 | 28 One reward node requires a Romulan OR a Cultural Figure with Diplomacy Diplomacy.
Many choices, for example Senator Cretak or Vedek Winn Adami.
Normal has the best XP/Chr ratio (9.00) for an Away Missions mission.
Normal can drop 2x Maquis Raider Schematic
Epic can drop 2x Nova Class Schematic

Distress Calls - Celestial Temple

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Warranted Pursuit
Starship Battles 8 | 12 | 18 54 | 78 | 99 600 | 900 | 1350 24 | 30 | ?? Elite can drop 3x Val Jean Schematic
Mission 2:
Rabid Fans
Away Missions 8 | 14 | 18 125 | 300 | 712
All paths require CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
55 | 75 | ?? 600 | 750 | 900 24 | ?? | ?? ItemError.png BUG: The rare reward of mission stage 4b does not need to be collected to 3-star the normal mission.
reported: 2016-06-23
Mission 3:
Pirate Problems
Starship Battles 10 | 14 | 18 66 | 87 | 102 750 | 1050 | 1350 27 | 32 | 34 Epic can drop 3x Val Jean Schematic
Mission 4:
The Professor's Deadline
Away Missions 10 | 14 | 20 175 | 367 | 804
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
72 | ?? | ?? 752 | 1052 | ?? 29 | ?? | ?? Locked Hologram/Tactician node. Epic can only be unlocked by any Hologram, or Tuvix. Epic can only be mastered by Doctor Chaotica or Mobile Doctor.
Elite can drop 3x Val Jean Schematic
Mission 5:
Death Throes
Starship Battles 10 | 16 | 20 60 | 90 | 105 600 | 1200 | 1500 29 | 32 | 34 Normal can drop 2x Val Jean Schematic
Mission 6:
Serious Business
Away Missions 10 | 16 | 20 210 | 441 | 903
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacy
SecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
72 | 92 | ?? 752 | 1200 | ?? 29 | ?? | ??
Mission 7:
No Returns Accepted
Starship Battles 10 | 16 | 22 72 | 93 | 108 750 | 1200 | 1650 29 | 33 | 34 Epic can drop 3x Val Jean Schematic
Mission 8:
Operation Isolate
Away Missions 12 | 16 | 22 255 | 484 | 994
DiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurity
All paths require MedicineMedicine
72 | ?? | ?? 752 | ?? | ?? 31 | ?? | ?? Normal can drop 3x Val Jean Schematic

Distress Calls - Klingon Empire

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 16 27 | 51 | 90 300 | 600 | 1200 272 | 573 | 902
Mission 2:
Stolen Command
Starship Battles 4 | 8 | 16 30 | 54 | 93 300 | 600 | 1200 314 | 594 | 923
Mission 3:
Dogs of War
Starship Battles 6 | 8 | 16 42 | 63 | 96 450 | 600 | 1200 469 | 687 | 943
Mission 4:
A Ticking Bomb
Starship Battles 6 | 10 | 18 45 | 72 | 99 450 | 750 | 1350 511 | 769 | 963
Mission 5:
All Sales Are Final
Starship Battles 8 | 12 | 18 54 | 78 | 99 600 | 900 | 1350 594 | 820 | 963

Distress Calls - Infinity

Name Type Chroniton Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Xahean Invasion
Starship Battles 4 | 20 | 24 30 | 105 | 114 300 | 1500 | 1800 191 | ?? | ??
Mission 2:
The Price of Friendship
Away Missions 4 | 20 | 24 51 | 494 | 897
All paths require CommandCommandDiplomacyAll paths require, some with rewards DiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityScienceAll paths require, some with rewards Science
?? | ?? | ?? 300 | ?? | ?? 314 | ?? | ??
Mission 3:
Empty Vessel
Starship Battles 4 | 20 | 24 30 | 105 | 114 300 | 1500 | 1800 314 | 994 | 1034
Mission 4:
Zora's Invitation
Away Missions 4 | 20 | 24 56 | 543 | 985
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
45 | 160 | 175 300 | 1500 | 1800 314 | 994 | 1034
Mission 5:
Starved for Attention
Away Missions 4 | 20 | 24 61 | 591 | 1073
DiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringSecurityAll paths require, some with rewards SecurityScienceOptional reward node uses ScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 6:
Bottom Feeders
Starship Battles 4 | 20 | 24 30 | 105 | 114 ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 7:
Stealing the Stars
Starship Battles 4 | 20 | 24 30 | 105 | 114 ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??
Mission 8:
Mudd's Enterprise
Away Missions 4 | 20 | 24 67 | 649 | 1179
CommandAll paths require, some with rewards CommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ?? ?? | ?? | ??

Cadet Challenges

Ex Astris, Scientia

Name Type Tickets Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Bravery in Action
Away Missions 1 55 | 190 | 290
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
All paths require MedicineMedicine
45 | 75 | 90 450 | 750 | 1200 21 | 29 | 32 Ideal crew are Promoted Sisko for CMD/SEC, CMO Crusher for MED and Lt. Commander Scott for ENG.
Alternatively, Nurse Paris for MED/CMD, Ensign Seska for SEC/ENG, and any crew.
(If maxed, they can 3-star Epic but it's a gamble)
Mission 2:
Top Marks
Away Missions 1 70 | 205 | 310
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityScienceOptional reward node uses Science
55 | 75 | 85 600 | 900 | 1050 23 | 29 | 31 Ideal crew are Promoted Sisko for CMD/SEC,
Lt. Commander Scott for ENG
and Acting Ensign Crusher for SCI.
Mission 3:
Talk Less, Smile More
Away Missions 1 85 | 215 | 325
All paths require CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacy
All paths require SecuritySecurity
55 | 75 | 90 600 | 900 | 1050 24 | 29 | 32 Ideal crew are Enterprise-D Picard for DIP/CMD,
Promoted Sisko for CMD/SEC
and Cadet Sito Jaxa for CMD/DIP
Mission 4:
Back In Time
Away Missions 1 100 | 245 | 345
All paths require CommandCommand
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScienceNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
65 | 80 | 90 600 | 900 | 1050 27 | 30 | 32 Ideal crew are Away Team Archer for CMD,
Recovering Spock for SCI,
and either CMO Crusher for MED or Lt. Commander Scott for ENG
Mission 5:
No Man Left Behind
Away Missions 1 135 | 270 | 380
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
70 | 85 | 90 750 | 900 | 960 28 | 31 | 32 Ideal crew are for COM nod are Captain Kirk for CMD/DIP,
CMO Crusher for MED,
and Recovering Spock for SCI. Once the COM nod is unlocked you should switch to Ensign Sato for DIP,
CMO Crusher for MED,
and Recovering Spock for SCI.

To see lists of Eligible Crew for this page visit the page: Eligible Crew

The United Federation

Name Type Tickets Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
History Interrupted
Away Missions 1 55 | 190 | 290
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
All paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScience
45 | 75 | 90 450 | 750 | 1200 21 | 29 | 32 Ideal crew are Festive Jadzia Dax for SCI, Dabo Girl Leeta or Gaia Odo for DIP, and Persis for SEC
Mission 2:
Incompatible With Life
Away Missions 1 70 | 205 | 310
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
55 | 75 | ?? 600 | 900 | 1050 23 | 29 | 32 Ideal crew are Dr Phlox for MED, Persis for SEC, and Lt. Naomi Wildman for ENG
Mission 3:
First Conflict
Away Missions 1 85 | 215 | 325
All paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
55 | 75 | 90 600 | 900 | 1050 24 | 29 | 32 Ideal crew are Lt. Commander Data for SCI/ENG, Dabo Girl Leeta for DIP, and Nurse Kes for MED
Mission 4:
Flesh and Blood
Away Missions 1 100 | 245 | 345
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
65 | 80 | 90 600 | 900? | 840 27 | 30 | 32 Ideal crew are Cadet Sito Jaxa for CMD, Lt. Naomi Wildman for ENG, Persis for SEC and Festive Jadzia Dax for SCI
Mission 5:
Of Two Evils
Away Missions 1 135 | 270 | 380
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
70 | 85 | 90 750 | 900 | 960 29 | 31 | 32 Ideal crew once all nodes crit are Security Chief Worf for CMD OR Nurse Kes for MED node, Persis for DIP and SEC nodes, Seven in Blue for SCI and ENG nodes Gaia Odo can crit the DIP node to clear star most easily

To see lists of Eligible Crew for this page visit the page: Eligible Crew

A Certain Formality

Name Type Tickets Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Down Once More
Away Missions 1 55 | 190 | 290
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
45 | 75 | 90 450 | 750 | 1200 21 | 29 | 32
Mission 2:
A Question of Rights
Away Missions 1 70 | 205 | 310
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScience
55 | 75 | 85 600 | 900 | 1050 ?? | 29 | ??
Mission 3:
Talarian Coup
Away Missions 1 85 | 215 | 325
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
55 | 75 | ?? 600 | 900 | ?? 24 | 29 | 32
Mission 4:
The Coming Storm
Away Missions 1 100 | 245 | 345
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
All paths require MedicineMedicine
65 | 64 | ?? 600 | 720 | ?? 27 | 30 | ?? When all nodes crit use one of Lt. Tasha Yar/Major Kira/Persis for SEC. Use Nurse Kes for MED and DIP nodes.

Use one of Cadet Sito Jaxa/Ensign Ro for CMD or Ensign Seska/Lt. Naomi Wildman for ENG.

To Crit DIP use Sato and Major Kira, Nurse Kes.

To Crit SEC use Persis. When trying to crit 2nd MED node use Persis for both SEC and DIP.

Mission 5:
Away Missions 1 135 | 270 | 380
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacy
All paths require SecuritySecurity
70 | 85 | ?? 750 | 900 | ?? 28 | 31 | ?? Cadet Sito Jaxa should do CMD nodes. Persis or Major Kira can crit SEC node Dabo Girl Leeta can crit 1st and 2nd DIP nodes Ensign Sato has better chance to crit 1st DIP node. Any of suggested combinations will succeed no failure.

To see lists of Eligible Crew for this page visit the page: Eligible Crew

Adv: A Certain Formality

Name Type Tickets Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
Down Once More
Away Missions 1 160 | 280 | 410
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses DiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringSecurityOptional reward node uses SecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
45 | 75 | 90 7500 | 32500 | 57500 511 | 769 | 902 Ideal crew: Commando Crusher for Medicine, Lieutenant Saavik for Command & Science, and Expedition Vash for Security
Mission 2:
A Question of Rights
Away Missions 1 180 | 300 | 420
All paths require CommandCommandNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineering
All paths require ScienceScience
55 | 75 | 90 12500 | 37500 | 62500 573 | 789 | 861 Ideal crew: Lieutenant Saavik for Command & Science, Subcommander T'Pol for Science, and Ensign Robin Lefler for Engineering
Mission 3:
Talarian Coup
Away Missions 1 200 | 330 | 440
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use MedicineMedicine
55 | 75 | 90 17500 | 42500 | 67500 594 | 789 | 882
Mission 4:
The Coming Storm
Away Missions 1 200 | 340 | 450
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurity
All paths require MedicineMedicine
65 | 80 | ?? 22500 | 47500 | 72500 687 | 820 | 882
Mission 5:
Away Missions 1 250 | 400 | 500
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacy
All paths require SecuritySecurity
75 | 85 | ?? 27500 | 52500 | 77500 748 | 841 | 902 Ideal crew: Lwaxana Troi for Diplomacy, and Private S. Money or Expedition Vash for Security

To see lists of Eligible Crew for this page visit the page: Eligible Crew

Adv: United Federation

Name Type Tickets Requirement Skills Used Char XP Credits Credits Capt XP Captain XP Remarks
Mission 1:
History Interrupted
Away Missions 1 70
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use CommandCommandDiplomacyOptional reward node uses Diplomacy
All paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScience
45 | 75 | 90 450 | 750 | 1200 21 | 29 | 32
Mission 2:
Incompatible With Life
Away Missions 1 70–105
No penalty in bypassing nodes that use DiplomacyDiplomacyNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScienceAll paths require MedicineMedicine
55 | 75 | ?? 600 | 900 | 1050 23 | 29 | 31
Mission 3:
First Conflict
Away Missions 1 100–120
All paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyEngineeringOptional reward node uses EngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
55 | 75 | 90 600 | 900 | 1050 24 | 29 | 32
Mission 4:
Flesh and Blood
Away Missions 1 115–130
CommandOptional reward node uses Command
All paths require EngineeringEngineeringAll paths require SecuritySecurityNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use ScienceScience
65 | 80 | 90 600 | 900 | 1050 27 | 30 | 32
Mission 5:
Of Two Evils
Away Missions 1 150–180
CommandOptional reward node uses CommandAll paths require DiplomacyDiplomacyAll paths require EngineeringEngineeringNo penalty in bypassing nodes that use SecuritySecurityAll paths require ScienceScienceMedicineOptional reward node uses Medicine
70 | 85 | ?? 750 | 900 | 960 29 | 31 | 32 Ideal crew are Ensign Mendon for ENG/SCI, Acting Nagus Brunt for DIP, Klingon Dukat for COM and Doctor Selar for MED.

Note: The skill requirements are not constant for all nodes, so check the mission page to find the specific requirements for individual nodes.

Undiscovered Missions

These missions are sometimes found in the listing of places to get equipment.

  • Currently none.



Honor Through Victory

A screenshot from the challenge Honour Through Victory, as seen in the Pax East 2015 demo.

A mirror universe villain and a catastrophic weapon of the past are threatening the Federation. Can you stop them?

The mission Honor Through Victory was shown in the PAX East 2015 Demo.

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