Synthesized Polymer

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Synthesized Polymer is a Component used to craft many items for crew members.

Crafting Table

Rarity Basic Common
Super Rare
(Super RareSuper RareSuper RareSuper Rare)
Found At:
Standard Reward:

Faction Center (Drop/Store) :

Standard Reward:

Faction Center (Drop/Store) :

Standard Reward:

Rare Reward (1-Time) :

Faction Center (Drop/Store) :

Standard Reward:

Rare Reward (1-Time) :

Faction Center (Drop/Store) :

Standard Reward:

Rare Reward (1-Time) :

Faction Center (Drop Only) :

Synthesized Polymer is a component and cannot be crafted. It is used as a component to craft other items.
Faction Store:
  • 25k Credits or
  • 25 Merit
Faction Store:
  • 50k Credits or
  • 50 Merit or
  • 25 Dilithium
Faction Store:
  • 250k Credits or
  • 125 Merit or
  • 50 Dilithium
Faction Store:
  • 500k Credits or
  • 250 Merit or
  • 100 Dilithium
  • Drop Only

Too many to list.

Too many to list.

Too many to list.



Item Units Cost/Unit Runs/Unit Runs From
Basic Synthesized Polymer 206>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 28 runs or so.

1Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

0.91 — 1.15
1 209 Back In TimeCadet Challenge EA-M4 Ex Astris, Scientia Back In Time Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 113>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 6 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 5 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 64 runs or so.

1.3Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

1.15 — 1.6
1.3 151 Flesh and BloodCadet Challenge UF-M4 The United Federation Flesh and Blood Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 3504>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 1 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 2 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 1 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 5.9 runs or so.

1.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

1.53 — 1.59
0.4 1363 A Tale of Forgotten LoreAway Team DE-M2 4 Chrons, 67 Skill Points A Tale of Forgotten Lore Elite
Basic Synthesized Polymer 179>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 1 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 2 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 1 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 5.9 runs or so.

3.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

3.29 — 4.02
0.6 108 The TossAway Team E2-M19A (Bajoran Victory) 6 Chrons, 73 Skill Points The Toss Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 62>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 7.3 runs or so.

3.9Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

3.29 — 4.71
0.6 40 A New RecruitAway Team E2-M19C (Cardassian Victory) 6 Chrons, 73 Skill Points A New Recruit Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 453>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 7.8 runs or so.

4Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

3.71 — 4.24
0.7 299 Man with a PlanAway Team E2-M19B (Maquis Victory) 6 Chrons, 73 Skill Points Man with a Plan Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 2293>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 5 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 4 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 44 runs or so.

4.7Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

4.56 — 4.89
1.2 2704 The Wrong CrowdAway Team E1-M1 4 Chrons, 67 Skill Points The Wrong Crowd Elite
Basic Synthesized Polymer 3889>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 6 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 5 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 64 runs or so.

5.3Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

5.19 — 5.49
1.3 5191 Pillage and PlunderAway Team E1-M7 4 Chrons, 25 Skill Points Pillage and Plunder Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 337>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 23 runs or so.

7.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

6.98 — 8.33
0.9 320 Death in BattleSpace Battle DE-M7 8 Chrons Death in Battle Elite
Basic Synthesized Polymer 362>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 14 runs or so.

9.8Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

9.02 — 10.6
0.8 294 All Sales Are FinalSpace Battle KE-M5 12 Chrons All Sales Are Final Elite
Basic Synthesized Polymer 663>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 29 runs or so.

8.2Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

7.71 — 8.76
1 680 RockslideSpace Battle E3-M5 8 Chrons Rockslide Normal
Basic Synthesized Polymer 608>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 15 runs or so.

9.9Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

9.34 — 10.59
0.8 503 Family SquabbleSpace Battle E3-M1 12 Chrons Family Squabble Elite
Basic Synthesized Polymer 504>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 28 runs or so.

16.2Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

15.12 — 17.5
1 511 He Means WellSpace Battle E4-M11 16 Chrons He Means Well Elite
Basic Synthesized Polymer 170>>

Basic Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 5 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 4 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 33 runs or so.

17.1Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Basic Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

15.19 — 19.63
1.1 182 Race to the FinishAway Team E5-M4 16 Chrons, 279 Skill Points Race to the Finish Elite


Item Units Cost/Unit Runs/Unit Runs From
Common Synthesized Polymer 392>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 1 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 2 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 1 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 2.7 runs or so.

6.5Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

6.17 — 6.87
0.5 182 Ishka IssuesAway Team E4-M1 14 Chrons, 209 Skill Points Ishka Issues Elite
Common Synthesized Polymer 1726>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 19 runs or so.

7.2Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

6.9 — 7.45
0.9 1546 A Time of Morn-ingAway Team DE-M4 8 Chrons, 70 Skill Points A Time of Morn-ing Epic
Common Synthesized Polymer 264>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 27 runs or so.

6.9Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

6.28 — 7.56
0.6 151 Salvage the ChavezAway Team E5-M7 12 Chrons, 132 Skill Points Salvage the Chavez Normal
Common Synthesized Polymer 2443>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 1 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 2 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 1 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 4.3 runs or so.

7.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

7.43 — 7.81
0.5 1329 Mutual Assured DestructionSpace Battle E4-M7 14 Chrons Mutual Assured Destruction Elite
Common Synthesized Polymer 547>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 12 runs or so.

9.3Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

8.7 — 9.9
0.8 422 Race to the FinishAway Team E5-M4 12 Chrons, 126 Skill Points Race to the Finish Normal
Common Synthesized Polymer 2819>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 4 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 7 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 6 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 130 runs or so.

10.1Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

9.75 — 10.43
1.7 4736 On Their HeelsSpace Battle E1-M5 6 Chrons On Their Heels Elite
Common Synthesized Polymer 94>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 1 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 2 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 1 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 5.7 runs or so.

9.5Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

8.38 — 11.05
0.6 56 Trial by FireAway Team E4-M10 16 Chrons, 229 Skill Points Trial by Fire Elite
Common Synthesized Polymer 408>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 8.3 runs or so.

12.1Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

11.33 — 13.05
0.7 275 Family SquabbleSpace Battle E3-M1 18 Chrons Family Squabble Epic
Common Synthesized Polymer 685>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 5 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 9 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 8 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 190 runs or so.

15.3Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

14.31 — 16.44
1.9 1310 Indiscriminate MindSpace Battle DE-M5 8 Chrons Indiscriminate Mind Elite
Common Synthesized Polymer 221>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 28 runs or so.

16.1Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

14.54 — 18.14
1 223 Blunting the DaggerAway Team E5-M5 16 Chrons, 285 Skill Points Blunting the Dagger Elite
Common Synthesized Polymer 44>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 31 runs or so.

18.8Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

15.06 — 25.08
1 46 Picking the BonesAway Team E2-M16 18 Chrons, 136 Skill Points Picking the Bones Epic
Common Synthesized Polymer 661>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 28 runs or so.

16.3Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

15.29 — 17.37
1 672 HoundedSpace Battle E7-M11 16 Chrons Hounded Normal
Common Synthesized Polymer 137>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 1 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 2 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 1 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 6.2 runs or so.

11Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

9.89 — 12.48
0.6 84 All Sales Are FinalSpace Battle KE-M5 18 Chrons All Sales Are Final Epic
Common Synthesized Polymer 180>>

Common Synthesized Polymer

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 17 runs or so.

20.7Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Common Synthesized Polymer
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

18.5 — 23.4
0.9 155 Fool Me TwiceSpace Battle E10-M1 24 Chrons Fool Me Twice Epic


Item Units Cost/Unit Runs/Unit Runs From
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 127>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 4 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 8 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 7 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 130 runs or so.

17.1Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

14.74 — 20.33
1.7 217 The Professor's DeadlineAway Team CT-M4 10 Chrons, 175 Skill Points The Professor's Deadline Normal
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 221>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 5 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 4 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 52 runs or so.

22.4Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

20.08 — 25.31
1.2 275 RockslideSpace Battle E3-M5 18 Chrons Rockslide Epic
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 405>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 6

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 4 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 13 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 26 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 25 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 4,800 runs or so.

45Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

41.01 — 49.75
5.6 2276 Stolen CommandSpace Battle KE-M2 8 Chrons Stolen Command Elite
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 34>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 4 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 8 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 7 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 13 runs or so.

29.2Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

22.56 — 41.29
1.8 62 Internal DisputeAway Team E2-M12 16 Chrons, 304 Skill Points Internal Dispute Epic
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 216>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 4

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 3 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 9 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 18 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 17 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 1,600 runs or so.

31.4Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

27.82 — 36.15
3.9 849 The Walls Have EarsSpace Battle E2-M10 8 Chrons The Walls Have Ears Elite
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 2498>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 5

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 3 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 9 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 18 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 17 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 1,800 runs or so.

32.3Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

31.1 — 33.58
4 10082 Deadly DisruptionsAway Team E4-M5 8 Chrons, 101 Skill Points Deadly Disruptions Normal
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 110>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 8

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 6 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 18 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 36 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 35 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 13,000 runs or so.

31.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

26.63 — 38.85
7.9 869 The Walls Have EarsSpace Battle E2-M10 4 Chrons The Walls Have Ears Normal
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 226>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 7

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 5 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 14 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 28 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 27 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 6,400 runs or so.

37.2Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

32.93 — 42.72
6.2 1401 Pretense of MercyAway Team E2-M17 6 Chrons, 175 Skill Points Pretense of Mercy Elite
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 144>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 6

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 4 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 13 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 26 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 25 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 4,800 runs or so.

56.2Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

48.36 — 67.02
5.6 809 A Popular ItemSpace Battle E2-M18 10 Chrons A Popular Item Elite
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 11>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 7

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 5 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 15 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 29 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 28 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 7,300 runs or so.

64.6Statistical Strength: Somewhat unreliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

40.63 — 156.9
6.5 71 Trial by FireAway Team E4-M10 10 Chrons, 111 Skill Points Trial by Fire Normal
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 26>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 9

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 6 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 19 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 37 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 36 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 15,000 runs or so.

81.5Statistical Strength: Somewhat unreliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

58.9 — 132.46
8.2 212 Temporary HoldAway Team E2-M15 10 Chrons, 149 Skill Points Temporary Hold Elite
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 10>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 4 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 3 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 27 runs or so.

20.0Statistical Strength: Somewhat unreliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

13.11 — 42.13
1 10 The Professor's DeadlineAway Team CT-M4 20 Chrons, 804 Skill Points The Professor's Deadline Epic
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 53>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 6 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 5 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 77 runs or so.

22.6Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

18.25 — 29.82
1.4 75 Serious BusinessAway Team CT-M6 16 Chrons, 441 Skill Points Serious Business Elite
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★ 186>>

Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 1

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 2 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 3 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 2 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 15 runs or so.

16.5Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Uncommon Synthesized Polymer ★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

14.78 — 18.55
0.8 153 Xahean InvasionSpace Battle I-M1 20 Chrons Xahean Invasion Elite


Item Units Cost/Unit Runs/Unit Runs From
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 606>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 4 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 7 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 6 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 130 runs or so.

33.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

31.29 — 36.2
1.7 1017 Shielding the PreySpace Battle E8-M4 20 Chrons Shielding the Prey Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 587>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 4 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 7 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 6 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 120 runs or so.

32.5Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

30.31 — 35.12
1.6 955 Arms RaceSpace Battle E4-M8 20 Chrons Arms Race Epic
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 48>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 11

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 8 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 25 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 49 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 48 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 32,000 runs or so.

84.8Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

66.06 — 118.51
10.6 509 His Own ManSpace Battle E1-M2 8 Chrons His Own Man Epic
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 34>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 12

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 8 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 26 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 51 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 50 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 38,000 runs or so.

89.4Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

66.83 — 135.06
11.2 380 Long Distance CallSpace Battle DE-M1 8 Chrons Long Distance Call Epic
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 31>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 8

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 5 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 17 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 33 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 32 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 10,000 runs or so.

115.1Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

85.19 — 177.36
7.2 223 Blunting the DaggerAway Team E5-M5 16 Chrons, 285 Skill Points Blunting the Dagger Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 36>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 13

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 9 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 28 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 56 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 55 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 49,000 runs or so.

146.7Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

110.37 — 218.54
12.2 440 Control Over ChaosAway Team E5-M9 12 Chrons, 138 Skill Points Control Over Chaos Normal
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 37>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 20

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 14 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 45 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 89 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 88 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 190,000 runs or so.

270.5Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

204.02 — 401.41
19.3 715 The Annihilation SyndromeAway Team E5-M18B (Section 31 Victory) 14 Chrons, 150 Skill Points The Annihilation Syndrome Normal
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 4>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 15

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 11 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 35 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 69 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 68 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 91,000 runs or so.

270.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

135.57 — 32084.43
15 60 Turncoat OutpostAway Team E5-M15 18 Chrons, 314 Skill Points Turncoat Outpost Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 127>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 13

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 9 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 29 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 58 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 57 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 54,000 runs or so.

176.4Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

150.09 — 213.82
12.6 1600 Pirate ProblemsSpace Battle CT-M3 14 Chrons Pirate Problems Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 3>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 18

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 13 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 42 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 83 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 82 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 160,000 runs or so.

252.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

117.35 — Infinity
18 54 Thy Enemy's SecretsAway Team E5-M18A (Terran Empire Victory) 14 Chrons, 150 Skill Points Thy Enemy's Secrets Normal
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 4>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 14

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 10 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 31 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 62 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 61 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 66,000 runs or so.

216.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

108.51 — 23075.49
13.5 54 Quell the RiotsAway Team E5-M1 16 Chrons, 275 Skill Points Quell the Riots Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 39>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 16

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 11 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 35 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 69 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 68 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 92,000 runs or so.

210.7Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

160.03 — 308.42
15.1 587 Back to SchoolAway Team E5-M14 14 Chrons, 144 Skill Points Back to School Normal
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 4>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 10

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 7 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 23 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 46 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 45 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 27,000 runs or so.

160.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

80.51 — 12612.82
10 40 Field ModificationsAway Team E8-M3 16 Chrons, 235 Skill Points Field Modifications Normal
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 49>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 6

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 4 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 14 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 27 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 26 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 5,300 runs or so.

116.3Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

91.05 — 161.02
5.8 285 Bottom FeedersSpace Battle I-M6 20 Chrons Bottom Feeders Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 150>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 5 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 4 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 7.1 runs or so.

32.0Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

28.34 — 36.75
1.3 200 Mudd's EnterpriseAway Team I-M8 24 Chrons Mudd's Enterprise Epic
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 54>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 4 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 8 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 7 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 180 runs or so.

37.4Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

29.99 — 49.69
1.9 101 Kicking the NestAway Team E9-M3 20 Chrons Kicking the Nest Elite
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★ 198>>

Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 2

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 1 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 3 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 6 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 5 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 800 runs or so.

26.6Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

23.55 — 30.47
1.3 263 Ruinous StaycationAway Team E10-M3 20 Chrons Ruinous Staycation Elite

Super Rare

Item Units Cost/Unit Runs/Unit Runs From
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 44>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 16

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 11 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 35 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 70 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 69 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 98,000 runs or so.

245.8Statistical Strength: Fairly reliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

189.34 — 350.32
15.4 676 A Bold MoveSpace Battle E5-M2 16 Chrons A Bold Move Elite
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 5>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 15

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 11 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 35 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 69 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 68 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 91,000 runs or so.

240.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

127.23 — 2112.77
15 75 Temporary HoldAway Team E2-M15 16 Chrons, 335 Skill Points Temporary Hold Epic
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 2>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 21

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 15 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 47 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 94 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 93 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 230,000 runs or so.

328.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

136.19 — Infinity
20.5 41 Putting the Free in FreedomAway Team E4-M14A (Ferengi Alliance Victory) 16 Chrons, 240 Skill Points Putting the Free in Freedom Elite
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 25>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 7

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 5 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 15 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 30 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 29 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 7,300 runs or so.

142.6Statistical Strength: Somewhat unreliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

102.56 — 233.7
6.5 162 Blunting the DaggerAway Team E5-M5 22 Chrons, 589 Skill Points Blunting the Dagger Epic
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 8>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 16

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 11 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 37 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 73 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 72 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 110,000 runs or so.

222.3Statistical Strength: Very unreliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

130.69 — 742.23
15.9 127 Self ControlAway Team E4-M6 14 Chrons, 224 Skill Points Self Control Elite
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 173>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 8

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 5 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 17 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 33 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 32 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 9,900 runs or so.

128.8Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

112.15 — 151.27
7.2 1238 A Kazon ScornedSpace Battle E4-M3 18 Chrons A Kazon Scorned Epic
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 2>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 32

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 22 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 73 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 145 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 144 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 840,000 runs or so.

504.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

209.09 — Infinity
31.5 63 Smiles and KnivesAway Team E4-M14B (Ferengi Traditionalists Victory) 16 Chrons, 445 Skill Points Smiles and Knives Elite
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 148>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 4

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 3 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 9 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 17 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 16 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 1,400 runs or so.

88.5Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

76.54 — 105.01
3.7 546 The Vanguard's ChallengeSpace Battle E8-M7 24 Chrons The Vanguard's Challenge Epic
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 3>>Unable to display streak info due to insufficient sample size. 200.0Statistical Strength: Nearly useless

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

93.39 — Infinity
10 30 The Raptors' FuryAway Team E7-M4 20 Chrons, 630 Skill Points The Raptors' Fury Elite
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 15>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 6

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 4 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 12 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 24 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 23 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 4,100 runs or so.

128.0Statistical Strength: Somewhat unreliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

85.27 — 256.54
5.3 80 Striking at ShadowsAway Team E7-M6 24 Chrons, 1473 Skill Points Striking at Shadows Epic
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 10>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 9

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 6 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 20 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 40 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 39 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 18,000 runs or so.

139.2Statistical Strength: Very unreliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

85.85 — 367.68
8.7 87 Surveying the SphereAway Team E8-M6 16 Chrons, 244 Skill Points Surveying the Sphere Normal
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 23>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 5

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 3 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 10 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 20 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 19 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 2,200 runs or so.

104.4Statistical Strength: Somewhat unreliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

74.46 — 174.32
4.3 100 Kicking the NestAway Team E9-M3 24 Chrons Kicking the Nest Epic
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★ 114>>

Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★

Average (mean) runs per drop: 3

Based on test averages, to get one more drop,
you may need to do another:

  • 2 runs in 50 percent of cases (median)
  • 7 runs in 10 percent of cases
  • 14 runs in 1 percent of cases

That is, 1 in 100 players may not see this item
drop at all even after 13 runs.

Also, a run dropping only this item is expected
per 20,000 runs or so.

71Statistical Strength: Very reliable

Range of average cost per
Super Rare Synthesized Polymer ★★★★
within 2 standard deviations
(~95.5% confidence):

60.16 — 86.45
3 337 Ruinous StaycationAway Team E10-M3 24 Chrons Ruinous Staycation Epic


  • Before 2016/12/15, this item was called Replicator Ration, and had a different image.

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