To The Limit

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Event To The Limit.png

The IFAC is over, but its impact is being felt far and wide. While many are excited for the next event, some have taken the spirit of competition to darker places. Ensure the IFAC's legacy and future prospects remain untainted.


To The Limit was a Hybrid event which ran from 16:00 (UTC) Thursday, August 22, 2024 to 16:00 (UTC) on Monday, August 26, 2024.

The first phase functions as a Faction Event, with players completing shuttle missions for the Cardassian, Dominion and Section 31.

The second phase was in the form of a Galaxy Event.

This event offered a Special Pack with a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 Dilithium on the 10-pack pull.

To The Limit was the last of four events in the Athlete Mega-Event Go for the Latinum.


Featured crew give the largest bonuses to event recipes.


All characters below give a lesser bonus to event recipes.

Event Rewards

There are 4 sets of rewards given in the event.

Solo Ranked Rewards

Solo Ranked Rewards
Ranks D'Erika Tendi Head.png Emony Leeta Head.png 10xPremiumTimePortal.png Merits.png DynamicOfficerTraining.png Honor.png Dilithium.png InterstellarMedium.png Constellation.png Constellation.png
D'Erika Tendi Emony Leeta 10x Premium
Time Portal
Merits Dynamic Officer
Honor Dilithium Interstellar Medium Rarity Constellation Skill Constellation
1 5 4 5 3500 100 15000 1300 40000 10 10
2 5 4 4 3250 100 12500 1000 37500 9 9
3 5 4 3 3000 100 10000 750 35000 8 8
4 4 4 2 2750 100 7500 700 32500 6 7
5 4 4 1 2500 100 5000 650 30000 6 6
6-10 4 4 1 2000 50 2500 600 28000 5 5
11-20 4 4 1 1500 50 2250 500 26000 5 4
21-30 4 4 1 1250 25 2000 450 25000 5 3
31-40 3 4 1 1100 25 1750 400 24500 5 2
41-50 3 4 1 1000 25 1500 350 24000 5 1
51-75 3 4 800 20 1250 300 23000 4 1
76-100 3 4 600 15 1000 250 22500 4 1
101-150 2 4 600 15 750 175 21000 2 1
151-200 2 4 600 10 500 175 20500 2 1
201-250 2 4 500 10 400 175 20000 2 1
251-300 2 4 500 10 300 150 19000 2
301-400 2 4 500 10 200 150 18500 2
401-500 2 4 450 5 150 125 18000 2
501-750 2 4 450 5 150 125 16500 1
751-1000 1 4 400 5 150 100 16000 1
1001-1250 1 4 400 5 150 75 15500
1251-1500 1 4 350 5 150 75 15000
1501-2000 4 300 5 150 75 7500
2001-2500 3 250 4 150 75 4000
2501-3000 2 200 4 150 75 1500
3001-5000 1 150 4 150 75 1000
5001-7500 100 3 150 75
7501-10000 75 3 150 75
10001-15000 75 3 150 50
15001-50000 50 2 50
50001-100000 50 1 25
100001+ 3 AdvancedTacticalTraining.png Advanced Officer Training

Threshold Rewards

Victory Points Reward
10 Victory Points Chroniton 50 Chronitons
45 Victory Points Dabo Girl Leeta Head.png Dabo Girl Leeta
75 Victory Points DynamicOfficerTraining.png 6 Dynamic Officer Training
225 Victory Points Spacer.pngIdentificationCode.pngFlipCommon.png
Common Identification Code
Common Orb Experience
500 Victory Points Chroniton 50 Chronitons
750 Victory Points Credits 10,000 Credits
1250 Victory Points Dabo Girl Leeta Head.png Dabo Girl Leeta
2000 Victory Points Chroniton 50 Chronitons
2800 Victory Points Spacer.pngTongoDeck.pngFlipUncommon.png
Uncommon Tongo Deck ★★
Uncommon Single Pot Whiskey ★★
3800 Victory Points Credits 10,000 Credits
5000 Victory Points SupplyKit.png
1 Supply Kit
50 Chronitons
6500 Victory Points Jogging Burnham Head.png Jogging Burnham
8250 Victory Points Credits 15,000 Credits
8750 Victory Points Chroniton 75 Chronitons
9500 Victory Points DynamicOfficerTraining.png 8 Dynamic Officer Training
10500 Victory Points Credits 20,000 Credits
12000 Victory Points Chroniton 75 Chronitons
13000 Victory Points Credits 25,000 Credits
14000 Victory Points Spacer.pngFirstContactProtocol.pngFlipCommon.png
Common First Contact Protocol
Common Submicron Scanner
16000 Victory Points Chroniton 75 Chronitons
17000 Victory Points Credits 30,000 Credits
18000 Victory Points Merit 500 Merits
21000 Victory Points Chroniton 75 Chronitons
23000 Victory Points Spacer.pngPalmBeacon.pngFlipUncommon.png
Uncommon Palm Beacon ★★
Rare Laser Beacon ★★★
24000 Victory Points Chroniton 75 Chronitons
25000 Victory Points Horseback Picard Head.png Horseback Picard
27000 Victory Points Credits 35,000 Credits
30000 Victory Points DynamicOfficerTraining.png
10 Dynamic Officer Training
75 Chronitons
35000 Victory Points Credits 40,000 Credits
40000 Victory Points Prime Minister Nayrok Head.png Prime Minister Nayrok
55000 Victory Points 10xStandardTimePortal.png
5 10x Standard Time Portal
75 Chronitons
62500 Victory Points Credits 50,000 Credits
70000 Victory Points SupplyKit.png 1 Supply Kit
85000 Victory Points Credits 75,000 Credits
100000 Victory Points Click Me! Legendary Jogging Burnham's Outfit ★★★★★
130000 Victory Points Prime Minister Nayrok Head.png Prime Minister Nayrok
160,000 Victory Points Merit 1,000 Merits
200,000 Victory Points Credits 150,000 Credits
250,000 Victory Points honor 1,500 Honor
300,000 Victory Points Voyage Revival 1 Voyage Revival
350,000 Victory Points 10xPremiumTimePortal.png 1 10x Premium Time Portal

Community Rewards

Victory Points Reward Obtained
300,000,000 Victory Points Emony Leeta Head.png Emony Leeta Yes
600,000,000 Victory Points Jogging Burnham Head.png Jogging Burnham Yes
1,000,000,000 Victory Points 10xPremiumTimePortal.png 10x Premium Time Portal Yes

Squadron Rewards

Ranks Credits Credits Replicator Rations (fuel)
1 125,000 ReplicatorRationLegendary.png 10 Legendary
2–3 90,000 ReplicatorRationLegendary.png 7 Legendary
4–5 85,000 ReplicatorRationLegendary.png 5 Legendary
6–15 80,000 ReplicatorRationSuperRare.png 10 Super Rare
16–25 75,000 ReplicatorRationSuperRare.png 6 Super Rare
26–50 70,000 ReplicatorRationRare.png 15 Rare
51–75 65,000 ReplicatorRationRare.png 10 Rare
76–200 60,000 ReplicatorRationRare.png 7 Rare
201–350 55,000 ReplicatorRationUncommon.png 15 Uncommon
351–650 50,000 ReplicatorRationUncommon.png 10 Uncommon
651–1000 45,000 ReplicatorRationUncommon.png 8 Uncommon
1001–1500 40,000 ReplicatorRationCommon.png 15 Common
1501–2000 35,000 ReplicatorRationCommon.png 10 Common
2001–2500 30,000 ReplicatorRationCommon.png 5 Common
2501–3000 25,000 ReplicatorRationBasic.png 15 Basic
3001–5000 20,000 ReplicatorRationBasic.png 12 Basic
5001–7500 15,000 ReplicatorRationBasic.png 10 Basic
7501+ 10,000 ReplicatorRationBasic.png 5 Basic

Phase 1, Faction Missions

Phase 1 ran from Thursday, August 22, 2024, 12:00 PM ET (16:00 UTC) until Saturday, August 24, 2024, 12:00 PM ET (16:00 UTC).

To The Limit Faction Missions

Phase 2, Galaxy Missions

Phase 2 ran from Saturday, August 24, 2024, 12:00 PM EDT (16:00 UTC) until Monday, August 26, 2024, 12:00 PM EDT (16:00 UTC).

Title Skills Bonus Traits Input Output
The Right Stuff Recover the stolen data from the competition. Spacer.pngBashirsQuickeningPresentation.pngFlipSuperRare.png The Right Stuff
Buffer Breach
Check all pattern buffers for any breaches.
Medicine Playful, Bajoran (both) PalmBeaconBasic.png Monitoring Device
Command Athlete, Romantic (both) LaboratorySuppliesBasic.png Laboratory Supplies
Security Communicator, Athlete (both) KlingoneseDictionaryBasic.png Amendments
Find the Leak
Find the lapse in security that enabled the leak.
Engineering Federation, Casual (both) WrenchBasic.png Simple Tools
Human, Tactician (both) ViolinBasic.png Music Theory
Playful, Athlete (both) IncenseBasic.png Raw Materials
Locked Down
Contain any possible spread of the data.
Medicine Casual, Starfleet (both) EthicalSubroutine.png Ethical Subroutine
Athlete, Resourceful (both) ReliefSupplies.png Relief Supplies
Tactician, Inspiring (both) HygieneProtocolBasic.png Hygiene Protocol
Secured and Safe
Update security on all transporters and biobeds.
Artist, Federation (both) VulcanLuteBasic.png Vulcan Music
Playful, Human (both) PathogenResearchBasic.png Scouting Reports
Diplomacy Starfleet, Romantic (both) QuarantineSuitBasic.png Hazard Suit
Track Down the Thieves
Locate the thieves and recover the data.
Starfleet, Inspiring (both) Holoimager.png Holo-imager
Federation, Athlete (both) BurialRitesBasic.png Burial Rites
Civilian, Artist (both) StrikeforceCommunicatorBasic.png Strikeforce Communicator
Who and Where
Evaluate who had access to the data and how.
Command Brutal, Federation (both) Spacer.pngStrikeforceProjections.pngFlipBasic.png Strikeforce Projections
Diplomacy Inspiring, Playful (both) WritingPADDTNGBasic.png Passenger Manifest
You Are Who You Were
Confirm existing data hasn't been altered.
Command Casual, Athlete (both) JulianBashirSecretAgentHolonovel.png Holo-engineering
Security Athlete, Trill (both) HeavyDutyTricorderBasic.png Genetic Scanner
Human, Inspiring (both) RiotGearBasic.png Riot Gear



The inter-faction athletics competition has brought out the best in many, even bringing some factions closer together. But it has also brought some ugliness - and some ugly truths - to light. And beneath it all, something more sinister may be underway… [1]


  • Weightlifter Travis: "That last match was more intense than I expected. I don't know if I've lost my edge, but I've never seen a Romulan move like that. It somehow."
  • Jogging Burnham: "You're not alone. It definitely felt like something was in the air towards the end. And hearing some of the other factions' athletes talking, i think some of these factions came for more than just a friendly competition."
  • Emony Leeta: "I've heard more than a few disturbing rumors about Federation athletes as well. Even some people saying things as out there as Starfleet is experimenting on its athletes."
  • Horseback Picard: "I can't - don't want to - believe that our sportsmanship has fallen that far, but it appears an investigation is in order. To ensure everyone is playing fairly and in good faith for the next games, and to clear up any unsavory allegations."


  • xxx: "xxx"
  • xxx: "xxx"
  • xxx: "xxx"
  • Choice A
    • Captain: "xxx"
    • xxx: "xxx"
  • Choice B
    • Captain: "xxx"
    • xxx: "xxx"
  • Choice C
    • Captain: "xxx"
    • xxx: "xxx"
  • xxx: "xxx"


