Small Mercies
Suspiria--the Caretaker's one-time mate--has appeared, and wants to help! The aid of a Nacene would be invaluable during this crisis. Can you direct Suspiria's efforts to those who need help most?
Small Mercies was a Faction Event beginning Thursday, June 10, 2020 and ending Monday, June 15, 2020. Players could complete shuttle missions for the Maquis, the Ferengi Alliance, or the Bajorans. These missions will drop Victory Points, which unlock Threshold Rewards.
This event offered a Special Pack that had a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Small Mercies is the first of 4 events in the Mega Event Ripples and Waves.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to event missions.
- Crew with the Caregiver trait
- Crew with the Warp Theorist trait
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
Small Mercies Faction Missions
Suspiria--the Caretaker’s estranged mate--suddenly reappears. Chastened by Janeway’s mercy, she vows she has changed, and wants to do everything she can to help in the temporal anomaly crisis. But can they be trusted?
- Captain Janeway: "We've been in search of powerful beings who could single-handedly change our response to this crisis. Suspiria is one such being. A Nacene, and one of the original caretakers of the Ocampa."
- Suspiria: "I am still their caretaker, now more than ever. And, I suppose, yours. I wish to help, to make up for our... last meeting."
- Captain Janeway: "Yes, where you tried to kill my entire crew, I haven't forgotten. My fellow captain will be helping to guide your efforts, to ensure your intentions are sincere."
- Suspiria: "You taught me the meaning of mercy. You poor creatures deserve it, helpless as you are. So please, tell me where I can help."
- Suspiria: "I feel weak... I need to rest. I will return when I am able to give you everything you deserve."
- Linnis Paris: "Captain, my mother has something very important to share regarding Suspiria. I hope you'll hear her out, even if neither of us are of your timeline."
- Grandmother Kes: "You can't trust Suspiria. She isn't anything like the Caretaker. She's violent, vengeful... she would have kept trying to kill us if we hadn't weakened her."
- Grandmother Kes: "When the Caretaker died, it had a ripple effect that set Suspiria off on a path of revenge. Accepting her help now might seem like the best option, but we don't know what kind of future it will lead to...."