Fireside Stories 2
For the first run of this event, see Fireside Stories.
While evaluating the Tamarians unique way of communicating in order to improve the Universal Translator, communication with a Starfleet vessel is cut. Can you find the crew and help them complete their mission?
Fireside Stories 2 is a Faction Event beginning Thursday, January 28, 2021 and ending Monday, February 1. 2021. Players can complete shuttle missions for the Klingon Empire, the Federation , or the Borg. These missions will drop Victory Points, which unlock Threshold Rewards.
This event offers a Special Pack that has a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to faction missions.
All characters below give a smaller bonus to faction missions.
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
Fireside Stories 2 Faction Missions
As B’Elanna and her shipmates explore the Delta Quadrant in the Delta Flyer, they find one issue they’ve come across is the universal translator’s inability to handle certain language types. Remembering the Tamarians and the difficulty deciphering the memetic nature of their language, she reaches out for help with updating the Universal Translator. [1]
- Delta Flyer Torres: "Captain, we're looking to improve the Universal Translator and hoping you could help. We've come across a species with similar speech patterns to the Alpha Quadrant's Children of Tama, but the data on their language is pretty sparse."
- Admiral Picard: "I believe we might be able to help you, Lieutenant Torres. Lieutenant Detmer and I have been meeting with the Tamarian delegation. The Tamarian language is primarily referential in nature, but without knowledge of the references, the Translator is fairly useless."
- Keyla Detmer: "The Federation has also run across other referential languages in the Gamma Quadrant, so getting a handle on Tamarian speech pattern has become a higher priori–"
- Delta Flyer Torres: "Hello? Admiral? Lieutenant Detmer? ...nothing. I wonder's what's happened to them. Considering I'm all the way in the Delta Quadrant, this one's on you, Captain. And I'd appreciate any strides you manage to make with the Tamarians or the Translator."
- Dathon: "Ears open, arms wide. Picard and Detmer, strong against the raging storm."
- Admiral Picard: "I wouldn't consider myself fluent in Tamaranian, but I believe it's fair to say Dathon and his people are expressing their gratitude, Captain. To have your deeds added to their lexicon is quite the feat. And we are grateful you found us."
- Keyla Detmer: "I can't say I've seen many, but that was by far the worst plasma storm I've ever been through. It completely knocked all navigational and communications equipment off line, but at least no one was hurt."
- Keyla Detmer: "And while we still haven't managed a complete upgrade for the Tamaranian language, our understanding is vastly improved. And it's helped to decode some of the samples B'Elanna sent. If nothing else, this should be the start to an expanded understanding of unknown languages."