A Stitch Saves Nine
The Terran Empire has finally admitted the scope of their problems with temporal degeneration, and reaches out for aid. Can you convince their physicians that this isn't a weakness to be exploited?
A Stitch Saves Nine was a Faction Event beginning Thursday, December 17, 2020 and ending Monday, December 21, 2020. Players could complete shuttle missions for the Terran Empire. These missions will drop Victory Points, which unlock Threshold Rewards.
This event offered a Special Pack that had a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
A Stitch Saves Nine is the third of 4 events in the Mega Event The Cosmic Divide.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to event missions.
- Crew with the Mirror Universe trait
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
Faction mission details can be found in the A Stitch Saves Nine Faction Missions page.
Before you can delve too deeply into Mayweather’s tip that Zareh might have some inside help from the Terran Empire, the Empire itself begs for your aid. Their medical facilities are overwhelmed with individuals suffering temporal degeneration.
- Section 31 Georgiou: "I will not let the empire I ruled so gloriously for so long fall to ignorance. If you persist in refusing to treat temporal degeneration, Doctor, it will be the least of your worries."
- Mirror McCoy: "Now I see what made Emperor Spock lose his drive: historical precedent. You've become weak, like everyone else afflicted with temporal degeneration. Let them die. More room for the true imperials."
- Mirror Saru: "The empress... Philippa and I... we see a different future for the Empire. One that is all the stronger for its mercy. Doctor McCoy's convictions are madness. Countless will die. The Empire will fall. Please, help us convince him."
- Mirror McCoy: "I'm a doctor, not a philosopher. Strength's been a good enough mantra for me. But maybe strength CAN be found in mercy, in compassion. Maybe a potential tool should never go wasted."
- Mirror McCoy: "We'll accept your aid, and do what we can for those sick with temporal degeneration. What I can do, beyond treating them, is to tell you why I wouldn't treat them in the first place."
- Mirror McCoy: "I was ordered to by our next empress: Hoshi Sato. Temporal degeneration will make short work of her rivals here. But her plans go beyond that--she and Zareh plan to target prime individuals who might oppose her at the same time."
- Section 31 Georgiou: "Perhaps Michael was the first of these. If they can get Michael to another universe, she'll suffer the same fate. Once you're all dead, she can rule both our universe and yours. Lucky for you, Empress Sato is no Empress Georgiou...."