The Butchers of Beta Penthe
Captain Tilly has burst into the Alpha Quadrant, and she has Ardra and Kes (playing host to Tieran) with her. They've already laid waste to the Beta Penthe system and freed the prisoners on Rura Penthe. Tilly and her allies must be stopped!
The Butchers of Beta Penthe is a Faction Event beginning 12:00 PM ET (16:00 UTC) Thursday, May 17, 2018 and ending 12:00 PM ET (16:00 UTC) Monday, May 21, 2018. Players can complete shuttle missions for the Terran Empire or Klingon Empire. These missions will drop Victory Points, which unlock Threshold Rewards.
This event offers a Special Pack that has a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to faction missions.
All characters below give a lesser bonus to faction missions.
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
The Butchers of Beta Penthe Faction Missions
The temporal anomaly crisis has resulted in some truly horrific partnerships, but none so far has compared to the explosive entry of Captain Tilly into the Alpha Quadrant. Having quickly recruited both Ardra and a version of Kes possessed by Ilari warlord Tieran, Tilly laid waste to the entirety of the Beta Penthe system, freeing all of the prisoners on Rura Penthe and causing devastation to a key Klingon system. All of the galaxy agrees: the Witch of Wurna Minor and her allies must be stopped before any more lives are lost. [1]
- Captain Killy: "This is a message to all factions in the Alpha Quadrant: your time is up. We have already seized control of Beta Penthe. I will take all of the Alpha Quadrant and fell the weakling Federation and their lapdog allies, the Klingons."
- Tieran Possessed Kes: "We have at our disposal the entire prison population of Rura Penthe, which you have discounted for too long. I will show you the firm hand with which a real leader guides his people. And for those who refuse us, the Ventaxians' own devil, Ardra, has been kind enough to join us."
- Martok: "Such heinous disregard. She cannot be allowed to remain at large and must be brought to justice for what she has wrought. We of the Klingon Empire will teach her that true strength is born of honor."
- Mirror Spock: "Indeed, we cannot allow her to remain at large. However, "The Witch of Wurna Minor" knows nothing of the honor your empire so loves. She knows only brutality, a shameful form of existence my own people once knew well. I fear only brutality in equal measure will subdue her."
- Mirror Spock: "Captain, I commend your efforts and am grateful for your assistance. We have successfully apprehended Captain Tilly and will see that she is brought to justice for her unrelenting crimes."
- Mirror Spock:: "You and the Federation will be pleased to know that I do not intend to execute her. It is not, however, to appease the Federation, but merely because doing so would make her a martyr. It would only fan the flames of those who believe our empire should return to the old ways."
- Captain Killy: "That's your mistake, you old Vulcan fool! It's only a matter of time before I'm free again. And once I'm free, I'll be sure to teach you the way a true Terran leads!"