Outer Limits
The Borg's request to join the Federation has sent shockwaves throughout the Federation. Even as they make their own gestures of goodwill, the wounds of the past are still raw for many. What is the future of the Borg?
Outer Limits was a Hybrid Event beginning Thursday, December 22, 2022 and ending Monday, December 26, 2022.
The first phase was in the form of a Skirmish Event.
In the second phase, players could complete shuttle missions for the Federation, Maquis and Ferengi Alliance..
This event offered a Special Pack that had a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Outer Limits was the third of four events in the Discovery Mega-Event Uniquely Challenging Times.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to event missions.
- Other crew from Star Trek: Discovery
These ships have an additional boost to their Hull
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
Faction mission details can be found in the Outer Limits Faction Missions page.
Ships arriving via anomaly, especially those from centuries in the past or future, are the site of some curious phenomena. Attempts to hail the crews or investigate recorded computer data yield some bizarre results. Track down the ships and solve the mystery behind these nebulous new arrivals. [1]
- Doctor Kovich: "It seems I've allowed my fascination with the questions surrounding the Le Guin to give me tunnel vision. The Le Guin was far from the only vessel experiencing strange phenomena. I've begun collecting further data on the topic, but..."
- Lt. Commander Detmer: "...but we still actually need someone to bring these ships in to investigate them. And some of the phenomena have expanded past just the ships from the far future. Could something be spreading from them, like some sort of infection?"
- Commander Pollard: "Yes, tunnel vision is definitely an issue of yours, Doctor. You can 'acquire data' later. Let's triage this situation and actually bring in the ships causing all of this chaos."
- Doctor Kovich: "Even more ship were impacted than I first expected. There's certainly no shortage of interesting phenomena here to investigate. Though I'm beginning to wonder if my original hypothesis wasn't off the mark."
- Lt. Commander Detmer: "How can you even form a hypothesis at this point? We've got one ship whose crew is completely catatonic and another that can barely hold its physical form. And that's just from the first batch that were brought in."
- Commander Pollard: "We're overwhelmed on the medical side as well. Many of the issues impacting these crew are unfamiliar to us."
- Choice A:
- Captain: "How can we be sure these phenomena won't impact the galaxy at large again?"
- Lt. Commander Detmer: "We can't, honestly. But we've developed some extra security protocols that have worked for the most part so far."
- Choice B:
- Captain: "Any word from Starfleet Command?"
- Commander Pollard: "They've basically thrown their hands up in the air. Now that the ships are corralled, they're content to let Doctor Kovich do all the research he wants, as long as it's not a security threat."
- Choice C:
- Captain: "Have you formed a new hypothesis yet?"
- Doctor Kovich: "Not one that I'm ready to share yet, especially considering its potential implications."
- Doctor Kovich: "Perhaps I do struggle a little with tunnel vision. No problem can be solved if it isn't faced head-on. But there's far more to assess here than I and my team can handle alone. Can I count on your help, Captain?"
- Doctor Kovich: "Well done, Captain. It certainly is refreshing to have a fresh perspective on things. After reading your reports, I'm beginning to think this may be bigger than I first thought - and not nearly as random."
- Commander Pollard: "Not nearly as random? How so?"
- Lt. Commander Detmer: "I really wish you'd stop with the build-up and tell us what you're thinking."
- Doctor Kovich: "I'm thinking the phenomena we're seeing may be tied to the nature of the temporal anomalies themselves. And certain individuals might be exploiting these phenomena."