Disaffect and Divergence
Convergence Day might be on the horizon, but the mood across the galaxy is anything but jovial. The challenges the temporal anomaly crises poses continue to mount. The galaxy could use a ray of hope in these tough times.
Disaffect and Divergence was a Faction Event beginning Thursday, January 6, 2022 and ending Monday, January 10, 2022. Players could complete shuttle missions for the Bajorans, Klingon Empire or Romulan Star Empire. These missions will drop Victory Points, which unlock Threshold Rewards.
This event offered a Special Pack that had a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to event missions.
- Crew with the Casual trait:
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
Faction mission details can be found in the Disaffect and Divergence Faction Missions page.
Convergence Day is almost here once more, but fatigue has set in across the galaxy. Despite all the good brought on by the anomalies that the event usually celebrates, there is still a great deal of despair and upheaval. And despair is not good for business during a celebratory holiday! Quark’s goal is to lift the mood across the galaxy and hey, if that entails solving a few intergalactic issues along the way, that’s fine too! Will you help?
- Convergence Day Quark: "Happy Convergence Day, Captain...is what I would say if the mood around here were anything resembling happy. But everyone is so drained and discouraged from the temporal anomaly crisis. It's not good for business, y'know?"
- Convergence Day Quark: "Convergence Day has become my best business day all year. It's equitable to the New Year's Eve celebrations they used to hold on Earth back in the 21st century."
- Tawi'Yan Alexander: "We're in the middle of a crisis and you're worried about your business? Though I can't exactly argue with you on the mood. In past years, everyone was able to look at the good the temporal anomalies brought to our time during the Convergence Day festivities."
- Tawi'Yan Alexander: "There's no fix for the anomaly crisis itself, but Captain, if you want to help, maybe you could travel around and find smaller problems that need addressing. Sometimes, what we need isn't a fix, but the start of something better to give us the hope we need to keep going.
- Convergence Day Quark: "Oh, that's good, I gotta write that one down. Looks like Convergence Day might just go on after all!"
- Tawi'Yan Alexander: "Nice work, Captain. I appreciate that, rather than pursuing empty gestures, you actually traveled around and tried to help with real problems various factions were facing."
- Convergence Day Quark: "I certainly hope you're not implying Convergence Day itself is an empty gesture. Everyone needs a reprieve. And I aim to offer just that during Convergence Day."
- Celebratory Ash Tyler: "And the profit is just a secondary concern, I assume? Still, I have to admit I do look forward to Convergence Day each year, so I can't give you too much of a hard time."
- Badge-Challenged Linus: "I do as well. Regardless of Quark's motivations, the event seems to bring people from across the galaxy together. And together may well be the only way we can solve this crisis."