Crime of Last Century
Someone has stolen significant amounts of time crystals from the Klingon monastery on Boreth, and the Timekeepers suspect the thief may have been Commander Worf. Find the clues and uncover the truth behind the criminal's identity!
Crime of Last Century was a Faction Event which ran from Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 through Monday, October 7th. Players could complete shuttle missions for the Bajorans, the Klingon Empire or Section 31. In addition to normal shuttle rewards, these missions dropped Victory Points, which unlocked Threshold Rewards.
This event offered a Special Pack that had a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if players spent 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Crime of Last Century was the first of 4 events in the Star Trek: Discovery Mega Event Mudd Amuck.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to faction missions and event recipes.
All characters below give a lesser bonus to event recipes.
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
Crime of Last Century Faction Missions
An encrypted message from Pike arrives with a dire message - he and Owosekun have been dispatched to Boreth to investigate the theft of a large amount of time crystals. [1]
- New Eden Pike: "We've a matter of some urgency on our hands and you might just have the right experience to handle it. A few days ago, the Timekeepers from the Klingon temple on Boreth alerted the Federation that a large amount of their so-called time crystals were stolen."
- New Eden Owo: "Strange as it is, the Timekeepers believe it was a Klingon Starfleet officer, Worf, who stole the crystals. He'd been praying in the temple, then went missing the same day of the theft. A monk named Tenavik specifically requested Captain Pike come investigate for some reason."
- Defiant Commander Worf: "This is an outrage! I would never defile the sacred monastery on Boreth! There is no version of me that would choose to act so dishonorably. Some other explanation must exist."
- Timekeeper Tenavik: "I requested Captain Pike's assistance because his actions will show him as a man of honor. We Timekeepers failed in our role as guardians of the crystals. Their power is in someone else's hands now, which will bring only destruction. They must be retrieved."
- New Eden Pike: "I've already organized some groups who are willing to help with the search. Klingons want this resolved quickly, but they'd prefer us keeping the whole affair as quiet as we can. I'm asking you to help out so we find those crystals fast."
- Defiant Commander Worf: "Your progress in the search for the time crystals is impressive, Captain. I am eager to clear this stain on my honor by finding the true person responsible. However, someone who can fool the great monks of Boreth may prove elusive prey."