Calling in Your Tab
Has the Federation taken more than its fair share of the galactic pie? There are certainly some groups who think so and the opulence of the Convergence Day celebrations has prompted them to collect!
Calling in Your Tab was a Voyage event which ran from 16:00 (UTC) Thursday, January 16, 2024 to 16:00 (UTC) on Monday, January 20, 2025.
This event offered a Special Pack with a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Calling in Your Tab was the second of four events in the Festive Mega-Event A Cause for Celebration.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses.
All characters below give a lesser bonus.
- Other variants of Kim
- Other variants of Data
- Other variants of Stamets
Other crew with the Festive trait:
These ships provide a bonus to antimatter
- U.S.S. Titan.png
Event Rewards
There are 4 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
- Community (Threshold) Rewards can be obtained by communal Victory Points
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
Is the Federation overdrawn? Certain factions seem to think so and they’re using the opulence of Convergence Day celebrations to underscore why they’ve chosen now to call in their debts, whether the Federation recognizes them or not! [1]
- Convergence Day Quark: "Happy Convergence Day to one and all! And what better way to celebrate the opening of hundreds of anomalies than by sharing a drink with friends new and old at Quark's--"
- Acting Nagus Brunt: "You can drop the act now, Quark. Attention, Federation and all those foolish enough to call themselves its allies. We're calling in your tab. You've been a thorn in the galaxy's side for long enough now."
- The Duras Sisters: "It's so easy for you to cruise into other factions' territories, impose your own morals, take what you want as some sort of exception, then turn around and rub it in our faces with parties like this. Hypocrites, all of you! But we're taking back what's ours!"
- Captain Vadic: "If your Federation wants entertainment, we'll give you a show the likes of which you've never seen! There will be no quarter for any Starfleet or Starfleet—allied vessel!"
- Luau Kim: "Welcome back, Captain. It looks like you managed to clear out some of the riff—raff. We werejust trying to get this little snake here to tell us what he knows."
- Convergence Day Quark: "Snake?! I'll have you know that, not only will I be pursuing a defamation suit against you for slander, but I'll see to it you'll never see a promotion as long as I live. I demand to speak to your commanding officer!"
- Dress Uniform Stamets: "Enough of the theatrics, you little creep. We know your comm channel wasn't hacked by Brunt and the others like you first claimed. You can give us answers, or I can send you to spend a day in the Mirror Universe on the |.S.S. Charon."
- Choice A
- Captain: "The jig is up, Quark. You might as well tell us what's really going on."
- Convergence Day Quark: "I told you, I'm an innocent victim in all this...even if I did hear inklings of a little revolt against the Federation in the lead-up to Convergence Day. Seems some out there think you all are celebrating too hard when they see you as the cause for a lot of the galaxy's woes."
- Choice B
- Captain: "What have you all learned so far."
- Dress Uniform Stamets: "That interruption was no accident; we have proof Quark contacted Brunt before he went live. Not only that, but we have records of comms between Brunt, the Durases, the Emerald Chain, the Borg, and other hostile entities, even if the contents are unable to be decrypted."
- Choice C
- Captain: "I have friends in Starfleet Intelligence who are skilled at interrogations."
- Convergence Day Quark: "l have rights, you know! The Grand Nagus will hear of this! You think you have your hands full now? Just wait until I bury you all in a starship's weight in legal paperwork!"
- Luau Kim: "Convergence Day or not, we can't allow open season on all Starfleet ships to continue. If we don't 'put this to rest now, everyone who has a slight problem with the Federation will think it's all right to do what they want to us."
- Convergence Day Quark: "Captain! Good to see you made it back! And you dealt with those ne'er-do-wells? Thank goodness we have Starfleet protecting the galaxy! Now, do you think there's any chance you could talk to Odo about letting a poor Ferengi bar owner go?"