The Honor of Andoria
The fugitive Tarah has fled following the incident on Paan Mokar. The Andorians are intent on proving their loyalty by hunting her down. Which faction's methods will you employ?
The Honor of Andoria is a Faction Event beginning 12:00 PM ET (17:00 UTC) Thursday, February 8, 2018 and ending 12:00 PM ET (17:00 UTC) Monday, February 12, 2018. Players can complete shuttle missions for the Terran Empire, the Augments, and Maquis. These missions will drop Victory Points, which unlock Threshold Rewards.
The Honor of Andoria is the second of 4 events in the Ghost of the Past Mega-Event
This event offers a Special Pack that has a guaranteed drop of event featured crew if you spend 650 on the 10-pack pull.
Featured crew give the largest bonuses to faction missions.
All characters below give a lesser bonus to faction missions.
Event Rewards
There are 3 sets of rewards given in the event.
- Solo Ranked Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your rank in the overall event. These are the top-tier prizes.
- Squadron (Ranked) Rewards which are given at the end of the event based on your squadron's rank in the overall event.
- Solo Threshold Rewards which are acquired at each level of displayed Victory Points
Faction Missions
The Honor of Andoria Faction Missions
For centuries now, the Andorians have been proud founding members of the Federation. The incident on Paan Mokar (or Weytahn, as it would have been known to the Andorians) is a shameful reminder of the Andorians’ violent past, and they are determined to reassert their commitment to the Federation and its values. Join a Starfleet-Imperial Guard task force to hunt down and arrest the fugitive Tarah, still at large after the incident on Paan Mokar. [1]
- Away Team Saru: "The hostages from Paan Mokar might be safe, but I'm afraid we cannot allow a chaotic element such as Tarah to remain at large. The Augments have offered us their aid in this matter, and I feel their superior genetics and abilities make them best suited to capturing her."
- Commando Shran: "This is not Tarah's first attempt to retake Weytahn from the Vulcans. She once served under me in the Imperial Guard. I hate to see that this was the path she chose. But we've committed to peace and to the ideals of the Federation. I have no choice but to bring her to justice."
- Commando Shran: "If we're going after Tarah, I think the Maquis may be our best shot at catching her. They've lived as rebels against Cardassian oppression and Federation abandonment. They know how to get things done, quickly and quietly."
- Commander Thelin: "Tarah's actions stand in direct opposition to what the Federation stands for, in my universe and yours. She must be captured, but I feel the Terran Empire, despised though they may be, has the iron fist necessary to apprehend this criminal."
- Commando Shran: "We've cornered Tarah on Vulcan, and thanks to the Maquis and their stealth maneuvering, we were able to do so with as little commotion as possible. I don't agree with how the Maquis have handled their situation. Then again, I don't agree with how Tarah handled Weytahn either."
- Commando Shran: "I've committed myself to peace on behalf of my people, but I do appreciate the Maquis for tenacity and their skill..wait, someone's trying to link into our comm channel. Well, speak of the devil..."
- Lieutenant Tarah: "I warned you not to pursue me further. But it no longer matters. If the Vulcans and the Federation are going to ignore the toil and sacrifice we Andorians put into making Weytahn habitable, then let's see how ambivalent they are to the destruction of their precious temple!"
- Away Team Saru: "Captain, reports are coming in from the Vulcan military! Tarah is gone...and so is the Temple of Amonak. They are saying she used a sort of delay detonation device. She was gone long before the explosion happened. It seems our search will continue...."