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Voyages Dilemma Icon.png

Dilemmas are integrated into Voyages. Please see the main article for more information.

If your crew has survived enough hazards lasting two hours, your crew will be presented with a Dilemma - a stop point during your voyage that presents a situation that requires interaction. You, the player, must choose a course of action, all of which award some loot, possibly including Honor (30 to 100), Chronitons (30 to 75), Ship Schematics, Crew or Components.

During a Dilemma, the voyage is paused. Antimatter is not being consumed, and the timer does not advance. Until a solution is chosen by the player, the voyage will not continue. This can be used as a fail-safe by players -- for instance during an overnight voyage. However, if your skills are not strong enough, you can deplete your AM before reaching the next Dilemma.

At the introduction of Voyages, there were six crew that could be obtained only through Dilemmas (i.e. not through Dabo, Packs, etc) - Fierce Guinan, Colonel Worf, Lucien, The Clown, Jannar and Thot Gor -- by selecting a specific Dilemma sequence. Initially these crew were only available once, requiring Super Rare Honorable Citations to fuse. However, as of client update v6.0 on September 4, 2018, all Voyage-exclusive crew were changed to allow multiple drops meaning Citations are no longer strictly required. Previously, the only exception to the one-drop limit was Fierce Guinan, a copy of whom is awarded as an achievement.

Client Update v6.0 also added two new Voyage-exclusive crew: Dr. Leonard McCoy and Ensign Picard.

The weekly server update on January 4, 2023 added one new Voyage-exclusive crew, the first Legendary Voyage crew, Vori Defender Chakotay.[1]

The weekly server update on August 8, 2023 altered the way some Dilemma rewards work, including the addition of Beholds for some crew and ship schematic rewards.[2]

The weekly server update on September 19, 2023 added a new Voyage-exclusive crew, and several new dilemmas to reach all Legendary crew. The new dilemmas begin at the 12 hour mark and have an increased chance of receiving the Legendary rewards.[3]

List of Dilemmas

A Higher Duty, Part 1

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png A Higher Duty, Part 1
AT-Dinner with the Enemy-The Undiscovered Country.png An infamously ambitious diplomat is angling for the governorship of a new Federation colony. He has political support, but his opponents claim he knows little of governing. The diplomat has asked me to make a speech on his behalf. Should I give a positive speech, give a neutral speech, or decline to speak for him at all?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Give a rousing speech in support of the diplomat.
(Choice A can lead to A Higher Duty, Part 2)
Give a neutral speech to avoid sides.
(Choice B can lead to A Higher Duty, Part 2)
Refuse to speak at the diplomat's gala.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
{crewname} helped me compose a speech that won the diplomat a standing ovation. Two weeks later, he was successfully elected governor. He sent me a three tickets to the ceremony along with a note saying that he would remember my support. I gave a polite but carefully neutral speech at the diplomat's gala. One of his opponents later sent me a library of holoprograms to thank me for not taking sides. However, with limited opposition, the diplomat was elected governor two weeks later. When I declined the diplomat's invitation, he seemed genuinely sorry that I would not be there. One of his opponents sent me a book on settlement governance to thank me for not giving such a speech, and that same candidate was elected governor two weeks later.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 70 times, Rare Received 1 time)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 207 times, Rare Received 14 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 26 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

A Higher Duty, Part 2

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png A Higher Duty, Part 2
AT-Sabotage Warp Core.png The diplomate-turned-governor of the Federation's newest colony has been arrested for stealing its resources to build his own estate. The resource shortages caused by his theft led to building collapses. As someone who knew him before he became governor, I've been asked to share my thoughts with the judges. Should I suggest a lenient sentence, or a harsh one?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Suggest a lenient sentence in the hopes of reform. Suggest a harsh sentence in light of the consequences of his theft. (Choice B can lead to A Higher Duty, Part 3)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
The judges heeded my recommendation and sentenced the former governor to a relatively short stay in a penal colony. Later, he sent me the structure of a duranium alloy he created during his sentence, one that could reinforce many of the buildings his actions had damaged. The former governor hung his head but did not protest when the judges sentenced him to many years in a penal colony. One family who lost their home due to his actions sent me an antique scale, a symbolic gift for seeing justice done.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 8 times, Super Rare Received 1 time)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 36 times, Super Rare Received 3 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

A Higher Duty, Part 3

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png A Higher Duty, Part 3
AT-Shuttlecraft Under Attack.png The former governor I helped sentence to a penal colony has escaped in a powerful starship. It seems that after his sentencing, he blamed his one-time colonists for his downfall. He is heading towards the colony with phasers armed, and the {shipname} is the closest Starfleet vessel that can respond. Should I disable his ship, or attempt to talk him down?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Disable his ship before he can harm the colony. Talk him down before he or anyone else is hurt.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname} engaged the former governor's ship and disabled its weapons, though he was badly burned in the fight. Starfleet doctors are doing what they can for him, and once he is stabilized, he will be serving a lifetime sentence. The doctors sent us a hidden communication device they found while searching him. The former governor fired on the outskirts of the colony before we talked him into surrendering. Starfleet is still counting the casualties at the colony, but no matter the final number, his new sentence will be a lifelong one. He handed over a small photonic charge when we took him into custody.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
Super Rare Behold including
Fierce Guinan Head.png
Fierce Guinan
(Received 1 times)
Super Rare Behold including
Dr. Leonard McCoy Head.png
Dr. Leonard McCoy
(Received 1 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

A Life Alone, Part 1

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png A Life Alone, Part 1
AT-Starfleet Headquarters Meeting.png We've taken a young Trill aboard who was just rejected for joining by the Symbiosis Commission. After a week on the {shipname} he has asked my opinion about applying for the Academy. It's hard to tell whether his enthusiasm is genuine or whether he's searching for a distraction. Should I encourage him to join, or to look for purpose elsewhere?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Encourage the young Trill to join Starfleet
(Choice A can lead to A Life Alone, Part 2)
Advise the young Trill to look for purpose elsewhere.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
Our passenger was thrilled when I agreed that he should apply to the Academy, and I offered to write him a recommendation letter. In between his studies for the entrance exam, he stopped by to give me an atmospheric adapter he designed in xenobiology class. Our passenger was dejected when I gave him my answer, but a few weeks later he thanked me for talking him out of joining the Academy. He has accepted the Symbiosis Commission's ruling and is finding other ways to occupy himself. He included a few cuttings from his newest hobby, gardening.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 198 times, Rare Received 14 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 105 times, Rare Received 11 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

A Life Alone, Part 2

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png A Life Alone, Part 2
AT-Unlucky Gambler.png The Young Trill I once encouraged to Join Starfleet Academy (Choice A in A Life Alone, Part 1) is at the top of his class, but the Symbiosis Commission re-examiend his file and has offered to allow him to be joined. He likes who he has become as a Starfleet cadet, but the Joining Would make his family proud. Should i tell him to stay at the Academy, or go thru with the joining?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Tell him to remain at Starfleet Academy. Tell him to return home for the joining.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
The young cadet wrote a letter to thank me for my advice. He agreed that the Academy is the right place for him and turned down the joining ceremony, much to his family's surprise. He attached an essay he wrote about Starfleet's founding principles, saying that I had given him an example to follow. The former cadet wrote back to me shortly before his joining ceremony. He thanked me for convincing him to go through with the ceremony he'd always dreamed of, but asked that, should the joining change him even more than expected, his friends remember him as he once was. He included a portrait he drew of the crew during his time on the {shipname}.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Super Rare Behold Received 6 times) including
Jannar Head.png
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 4 times)
Component (2x 4* Received 3 times, 1x 4* Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

A Tense Temporal Conundrum

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png A Tense Temporal Conundrum
AT-Under Surgery.png During a stop at a starbase, {crewname} became unwell and had to visit the infirmary. A man not in Starfleet uniform raced about the room, interrupting the staff from doing their work. The nurse explained to us that he was recently found on a nearby moon and claimed both to be a medical professional and from Earth's 21st century and now believed the staff were using "pseudoscience" to treat patients. How do I deal with this supposed time traveller?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Tell him a palatable version of the truth. Lie to him. Contact the DTI.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
After doing a quick refresh on Earth's 21st century, I try to recontextualize our medicine and our time period for him, at least enough so that it isn't a complete shock. I manage to persuade the starbase's CMO and science officer to give him simple tasks until he can become acclimated to this time period. I research a bit about Earth in the 21st century and decide to tell him this is all a dream, as that seems to be a common hope familiar to this time period. He does not respond well. I reached out to the Department of Temporal Investigations. While many individuals have been brought to this time via temporal anomaly, some are more disruptive than others and perhaps it is best they handle him.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew Super Rare (Received 8 times) 600 honor / 75 Chroniton (Received 2 times) 100 honor / 75 Chroniton / 900 Merit (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Blood-Red Tide

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Blood-Red Tide
AT-Hiding from Nausicans.png We found a Klingon colony in the middle of a revolt, with most of the population rebelling against what they consider to be a corrupt government. The High Council supports the colony's governor, though Chancellor Martok has expressed some disdain for his decisions. Should I stay out of this internal conflict, support the governor, or support the rebels?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Avoid taking sides in the rebellion. Support the colony's governor. Support the rebelling colonists.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
As per the Prime Directive, the {shipname} did not lend aid to either side in this internal Klingon affair. The governor's and rebels' forces are currently locked in a stalemate, one that only intervention from Qo'noS may be able to break. In fact, the High Council sent me a drinking flask dating back to the days of Kahless, as thanks for leaving this matter in their hands. The {shipname} assisted the governor in restoring order among the angry colonists. At my urging, he agreed to hear some of the arrested rebels' complaints during their trials, and he insisted upon giving me a mevak that once belonged to his father. With our help, the rebels captured the governor and have appointed a council of captains to run the colony. Time will tell how their new government fares, and how Qo'noS will respond to it, but the council sent us an ancient bat'leth from the former governor's mansion in thanks for our aid.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Super Rare (Received 11 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 2 times)
4* Component (Received 3 times)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Super Rare (Received 21 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 2 times)
4* Component (Received 2 times)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Super Rare (Received 114 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 12 times too many)
Component (1x 4* Received 1 time, 2x 4* 5 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Blow by Blow

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Blow by Blow
AT-Andorian 'Planted'.png While exploring a rainy moon, {crewname} came across an Andorian and a Gorn locked in a duel. The Andorian was badly wounded, but judging from the Gorn's angry shouts, he may have initiated the fight. Should I help the Andorian or the Gorn?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Protect the Andorian by stunning the Gorn.
(Choice A unlocks Choice B of Friends in Need)
Protect the Gorn by stunning the Andorian.
(Choice B unlocks Choice C of Friends in Need)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname}'s phaser blast stopped the Gorn from delivering a finishing blow to the wounded Andorian. It only stunned the Gorn for few moments, but it was long enough to get the Andorian away from the fray. He promised us he had medical supplies back on his ship, but insisted that we keep a leathery egg he had snatched from his opponent. {crewname} knocked the Andorian out with a phaser blast just as he began to reach for a hidden blade. The Gorn scoffed at our assistance, but he left his unconscious opponent alive and returned to his ship. We found a crystalline armband on the ground that must have been dropped during the scuffle.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 212 times, Rare Received 13 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 112 times, Rare Received 7 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Burden of Proof

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Burden of Proof
AT-Back Alley Trade.png A Starfleet captain contacted the {shipname} about a smuggling ring near {planetname}. He believes the wealthy Ardanan we once met is supplying the smugglers, but he currently has no way to prove it.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Encourage him to gather definitive proof before accusing the Ardanan. Urge him to arrest the suspect before she can flee the system. Share the secret correspondences we received from the Ardanan's servant.
(Requires Choice B in Class Act)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
By the time the captain found enough evidence for an arrest, his suspect had left the system for parts unknown. He will continue searching for her, though the odds of finding her are slim. Her family sent us newly developed anti-grav generators as an apology for their relative's crimes. The Ardanan's family are using every scrap of influence they have to get the captain demoted, though after the arrest, he did find proof that the woman in question was a smuggler. He sent the {shipname} a sculpture of his starship, perhaps thinking that he may not be her captain for much longer. The messages gave the captain enough proof to arrest the Ardanan's entire smuggling ring, and I've recommended that her insightful former servant look for a position with Starfleet Intelligence. The captain sent our crew a reservation for shore leave on Risa along with his regards.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / 3* Crew (Received 6 times) 60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew,
(3* Received 8 times, 4* Received 1 time)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / 500 Ship Schematics Legendary Behold (Received 3 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

By Our Own Hands

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png By Our Own Hands
AT-Peacekeepers and Rioters.png When the {shipname} stopped at a {factionname} outpost to take on supplies, everyone we met was angry with {crewname}. We later learned that another version of {crewname} had stolen from half the people on the outpost. Should we make reparations for this counterpart's behavior, or try to clear {crewname}'s name?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Repay the outpost for what {crewname}'s counterpart took. Reassure the outpost's inhabitants that {crewname} means them no harm.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
We paid every person who {crewname}'s counterpart had robbed for their missing goods. Most of them warmed to {crewname} by the end of our stay, and one trader even gave us a container of spare parts. Though many people on the outpost still seemed suspicious of the crew, they agreed to sell us the supplies we needed after we made it clear that we had no part in this other {crewname}'s actions.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 55 times, Rare Received 3 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 254 times, Rare Received 19 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Champion of the People, Part 1

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Champion of the People, Part 1
AT-Under Surgery.png A Ventaxian woman requested the {shipname}'s help treating an outbreak at her colony. She claims to be an ancient hero reborn through the anomaly crisis, and the colonists believe her. Their illness was easy to treat, but {crewname} discovered that the woman was born only decades ago, not centuries as she claimed. Should I reveal the truth to the colonists or stay silent?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Reveal their leader's true identity.
(Choice A can lead to Champion of the People, Part 2)
Allow the colonists to continue following her.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
When {crewname} announced our findings to the colony, a few colonists forgave their leader, but most of the demanded that she leave their settlement immediately. They gave us a book of poems about the legendary hero before we continued on our voyage. I asked {crewname} to keep our findings private. Despite her deception, the colonists' hero seems to be a good leader--and an insightful one. Before we left, she thanked us for our discretion and pressed an old Ventaxian medallion into my hand.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 275 times, Rare Received 12 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 36 times, Rare Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Champion of the People, Part 2

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Champion of the People, Part 2
AT-Federation Brig with Prisoner.png When {factionname} mercenaries captured one of our shuttles, {crewname} recognized one of them as the Ventaxian whose identity we once revealed. Upon recognizing our crew, she argued with her companions, telling them to let us go. Should I arrest all of the mercenaries, or give the Ventaxian woman a chance to flee?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Arrest all of the mercenaries for attacking the crew. Give the Ventaxian a chance to flee.
(Choice B can lead to Champion of the People, Part 3)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname} was able to retake the shuttle after reaching a weapons locker. We've confined the mercenaries to the brig until we can take them before a court, and we found a valuable historical scroll on the Ventaxian, who has sworn she will testify against her companions. {crewname} stunned the rest of the mercenaries and looked the Ventaxian in the eye before allowing her to beam away. She jettisoned a fuel canister from the mercenaries' transport before jumping to warp. There was a simple apology letter hidden in one side of it.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 4 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 23 times, Super Rare Received 4 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Champion of the People, Part 3

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Champion of the People, Part 3
AT-Recovering Orion Beauty.png The Ventaxian colony the {shipname} once cured of an outbreak has been wrecked by diamagnetic storms. The colonists are struggling to weather the storms, as is their former hero-turned-mercenary, now living alone in the hills. Should I have my crew help their colony or encourage the former mercenary to help her people?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Reinforce the Ventaxian colony. Encourage the former mercenary and the colonists to work together.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{Crewname} led a team to reinforce the colonists' homes and even gather energy from the storm's polaric discharges. The colonists gave us a stash of power cells they'd charged via this new design. As for the mercenary, she remains on the outskirts of town, and the colonists have sworn not to allow her into their shelters. {Crewname} helped the disgraced hero approach her people not as a figure out of legend, but as a repentant friend. Though some turned their backs on her, most welcomed her home, and they developed underground shelters to protect them from the storms. The former mercenary sent us the plans for one of the shelters, along with her heartfelt thanks for this second chance.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
Super Rare Behold including
Ensign Picard Head.png
Ensign Picard
(Received 1 times)
Super Rare Behold including
Colonel Worf Head.png
Colonel Worf
(Received 1 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Class Act

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Class Act
AT-Peacekeepers and Rioters.png Visiting an outpost in the {systemname} system, {crewname} found an Ardanan woman yelling at her Troglyte servant, claiming the servant had stolen some of her clothing. The argument drew quite a crowd, many of whom looked ready to intervene. Should I support the Ardanan woman or defend the servant?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Support the respectable Ardanan's accusations. Defend the frightened servant.
(Choice B unlocks Choice C of Burden of Proof)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname}'s vocal support of the Ardanan convinced the crowd to disperse. After sending her servant back to her quarters with the promise of a pay cut, the woman insisted that {crewname} take a supply of zenite back to the {shipname} as thanks. When asked whether she had any proof of theft, the Ardanan reluctantly admitted that she did not. Afterwards, the servant told {crewname} that she had not stolen anything, but had made copies of some of the Ardanan's suspicious trade dealings, which she shared with the {shipname}.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 58 times, Rare Received 1 time)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 239 times, Rare Received 9 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Cracks in the Wall

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Cracks in the Wall
AT-Astrometrics View-Generations.png The {shipname} picked up a non-urgent distress call from inside the Romulan Neutral Zone. A Romulan interceptor claims to be having trouble maintaining a stable warp field. Should I cross the border to assist the Romulans, pass the message along to another Romulan ship, or ignore the distress call?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Cross the border and assist the Romulan interceptor.
(Choice A may lead to Choice C in First Author)
Ensure that the distress call reaches another Romulan ship.
(Choice B may lead to Choice C in First Author)
Ignore the distress call.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
When the {shipname} approached, the interceptor raised its shields, but {crewname} convinced its captain that we were there to offer assistance, not attack. We traced their warp field problem to a burned out field coil, and before we departed for our side of the border, the captain gave us a ceremonial Romulan robe. We deployed a subspace amplifier to transmit the distress call deeper into Romulan space. A Romulan warbird quickly hailed us and thanked us for passing along the message. Its captain sent us coordinates to a ruin-strewn moon along the Neutral Zone. The {shipname} continued on its original course away from the Neutral Zone. Within the hour, we encountered and harvested a duranium-studded asteroid which we might have missed if we'd answered the distress call.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 90 times), Rare (Received 3 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 209 times), Rare (Received 13 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 10 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Dangerous Whispers

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Dangerous Whispers
AT-Section 31 Operatives.png While docked at a space station, {crewname} overheard a group of crew members plotting to overthrow the captain of their ship. According to them, the crew had to make an unscheduled stop due to the captain's unwillingness to listen to his crew and his incompetence at the helm. Should I tip the captain off, try to persuade the crew, or let the Starfleet higher-ups come deal with it?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Tip the captain off. Try to persuade the crew plotting a potential mutiny. Inform Starfleet.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
I pulled the captain of the ship in question aside and warned him. He was enraged and wanted details about who the crew members were. However, I brought his attention to their disturbing allegations and urged him to listen to and work with his crew, not against them. Hopefully he can turn things on his ship around. I tracked down the crew members {crewname} overheard. They were shocked and frightened when I confronted them, but I managed to calm them down and discuss the situation. I gave them strategies to address their grievances without doing something that could jeopardize not only their careers, but their freedom. I decided to inform Starfleet of what was going on and allow them to handle it.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
(Legendary Received 1 times, 1 Beholds) or
(Super Rare Received 10 times, 3 Beholds)
600 honor / 75 Chroniton (Received 2 times) 100 honor / 75 Chroniton / 900 Merit (Received 3 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

First Author

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png First Author
AT-Back Alley Trade.png While attending a medical conference, {crewname} overheard a rumor that a prestigious {factionname} researcher was planning to take credit for a Romulan doctor's work on gene therapies. He reportedly has more resources to develop such treatments, but the fact remains that he did not invent them.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Allow the researcher to claim the doctor's work. Attempt to warn the Romulan doctor. The captain of the Romulan interceptor we assisted is at the conference. Ask her to warn the doctor.
(Requires Choice A or B in Cracks in the Wall)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
The rival docotr received an award for the stolen research and contacted {crewname} after the ceremony to thank our crew for their " discretion". He gave us a sample of a highly effective analgesic he has been developing. By the time {crewname} convinced the doctor of the threat to her work the rival doctor was already presenting on it. She has contested the findings, but time will tell who ultimately gets credit for them. In the meantime, we left the conference with several experimental medications for {crewname} to investigate. The doctor immediately believed the warning from such a decorated captain, and was able to maintain her claim on her own research. Out of gratitude, she sent us an early copy of a medical stasis field modification she's been working on.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
Rare (Received 2 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
Rare (Received 7 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / 500 Ship Schematics Legendary Behold
(Received 6 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Friends in Need

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Friends in Need
AT-Andorians Chased By Federation.png A group of {factionname} mercenaries took our away team hostage at a reception on {planetname}. {crewname} spotted a familiar Andorian and Gorn among the other hostages.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Negotiate with the guards for freedom. Ask the Andorian we rescued to distract the guards.
(If you saved the Andorian in Blow by Blow)
Ask the Gorn we rescued to fight the guards.
(If you saved the Gorn in Blow by Blow)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
{crewname} could only convince the guards to release several wounded hostages, but it was hours before local security forces could free everyone. The families of the wounded hostages sent us a locally-made salve with antibacterial properties. While the Andorian distracted the guards, {crewname} led several hostages to freedom before returning with security forces to free the rest. The Andorian complimented {crewname} on such tactics and pressed a cask of frozen ale upon us before heading on his way. With the indomitable Gorn's help, {crewname} quickly subdued the mercenaries and freed the other hostages. Qo'nos's authorities sent medals to our away team, and the Gorn congratulated {crewname} on a fight well-fought.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Rare (Received 2 times) 60 honor / 50 Chroniton / 500 Ship Schematics Legendary Behold
(Received 4 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 25 times, Super Rare Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Interference, Part 1

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Interference, Part 1
AT-Survive Acid Pond.png {crewname} found an unusual substance while collecting water samples on a Class L planet. It is a viscous, acidic fluid, capable of movement, but we cannot determine whether it is sentient. Should I leave the substance on the planet, take a sample, or destroy it?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Leave the substance on the planet where it was found. Take a sample back to the {shipname} for further study.
(Choice B may lead to Interference, Part 2)
Destroy the potentially dangerous substance.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
In case the substance was--or was part of--a sentient organism, I ordered {crewname} to leave it undisturbed. The water samples we collected from a nearby stream, however, led to improvements in our emergency hydration packs. {crewname} extracted a small sample of the substance, no more than one would take as a blood sample from a crew member. We also collected rock samples with significant quantities of paralithium ore. {crewname1} destroyed the substance with high-powered phaser bursts. {crewname2} found intriguing organic compounds among the remains, but it is difficult to tell whether the substance was an organic entity or whether it had absorbed organic matter from the surrounding water.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 36 times), Rare (Received 2 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 238 times), Rare (Received 19 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 22 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Interference, Part 2

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Interference, Part 2
AT-Scotty In Jefferies Tube.png The fluidic sample {crewname} collected during one of our away missions escaped containment and is moving through our power transfer conduits. {crewname2} believes it may be searching for nutrients, but the longer it stays in those conduits, the closer it gets to our impulse engines. Should I attempt to draw the substance out or have teams dissolve it?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Lure the substance out without harming it. Dissolve the substance before it reaches the impulse engines.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
When the crew left an open cargo barrel of water near one of the power conduits, the substance slithered into the barrel, knocking our impulse drive out in the process. In between repairs, we established rudimentary communications with the organism. We returned it to its home, and it thanked us with directions to an unexplored Class M planet. {crewname} distributed a compound that dissolved the substance into a harmless liquid. Whatever it was, it caused only minor damage to the {shipname}, and the molecular structure of its remains has given {crewname2} ideas for several treatments that require liquid suspension.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Super Rare Behold Received 2 times including)
Lucien Head.png
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 4 times)
2x 4* Component (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Ladders and Chains

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Ladders and Chains
AT-Transporter Room.png A Vorta has requested sanctuary aboard the {shipname}. A genetic mutation left her without the built-in obedience other Vorta feel towards the Founders, and she believes her DNA may help break the Founders' hold on the rest of their species. Three Jem'Hadar fighters are are approaching the {shipname} demanding that we hand over the traitorous Vorta. Should I protect her, or give her to the Dominion?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Defend the Vorta passenger. Return the Vorta passenger to the Dominion.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
Despite heavy damage to the {shipname} and multiple casualties, we repelled the Jem'Hadar fighters. Our new passenger will work with Starfleet Medical to study the mutation that gave her her freedom, though it may be a long time before it can help the rest of her people. Before she left, the Vorta gave me an unusual plasma rifle she stole during her escape from the Dominion. {Crewmember} handed the Vorta over to the Jem'Hadar, sparing us from what would have been a deadly fight. The Jem'Hadar departed without another word, taking one possible future of the Vorta away with them. Our former passenger, however, left behind blueprints to a Jem'Hadar battlecruiser, something she may have intended to offer Starfleet as leverage.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew Super Rare (Received 38 times),
5* Replicator Ration (Received 1 time)
Component (1x 4* Received 1 time, 2x 4* Received 2 times)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Super Rare (Received 93 times 1 Behold),
5x 5* Replicator Ration (Received 5 times)
Component (1x 4* Received 1 time, 2x 4* Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Lost Among the Stars

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Lost Among the Stars
AT-Deflector Dish-First Contact.png While moving through an asteroid belt, sensors indicated something odd - life signs out in space. Pursuing them led to the discovery of an unconscious humanoid floating about in an EV suit. Following some quick treatment by {crewname}, they have regained consciousness. They explained that their ship was beset by Gorn. Aware of the risks, they plead with me to try and find any other survivors. Should I take that risk or should I decline?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Search for the ship or any other survivors. Tell the survivor I cannot take the risk.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
I agreed to look for the ship or any other crew while the individual underwent further evaluation by {crewname}. We found the ship's records, but no other survivors. Nevertheless, the crew member thanked me for trying. I apologized, but insisted I could not put my crew at risk for a confrontation with the Gorn.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / (Admiral Black or Vori Defender Chakotay or One Way Ticket Chapel) (Received 1 time)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Super Rare (Received 15 times, 5 Beholds)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / 900 Merit (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Mystery Haul

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Mystery Haul
AT-Astrometrics View-Generations.png Sensors indicate an obstacle in our path, which the viewscreen revealed to be a large crate. We are unable to get much information on the crate's contents, as the material used to craft it is blocking the sensors out. Should we retrieve it or leave it?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Retrieve it. Leave it.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
We beam the crate aboard, keeping it secured in the transporter bay while {crewname}, and I can confirm its safety. While cosmic debris has certainly taken a toll, the crate is in tact. We manage to open it and find a man inside, with oxygen and a few necessities, thanking us profusely for saving him. The risk is too great. Who knows where it came from or what is inside. I decided to leave it behind.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew Super Rare (Received 12 times) 100 honor / 75 Chroniton / 900 Merit (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Next Stop, Absolution

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Next Stop Absolution
AT-Federation Brig with Prisoner.png {crewname} found a Maquis stowaway aboard the {shipname}. He claims he has left the Maquis and is just trying to find passage home to {planetname} to visit a dying relative. Should I take him to his destination, arrest him, or leave him at the nearest outpost?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Take the stowaway to see his family. Arrest the Maquis stowaway. Leave the stowaway at the nearest outpost.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
Whether the stowaway was truly done with the Maquis or not, we do not know, but his family sent us a grateful message when we dropped him off at their home. There were coordinates of a Maquis cache hidden in the message, a final gift from our unexpected passenger. When {crewname} arrested the stowaway, he did not fight, only asked whether Starfleet would let him see his family before his sentence. I could not guarantee that they would. {crewname} searched him before placing him in the brig and found a data rod containing a generator schematic inside his coat. Our stowaway protested when we dropped him off at a {factionname} outpost, claiming he wouldn't make it home in time, but he did not attempt to board the {shipname} again. Retracing our steps to where he likely snuck aboard, we found an abandoned Maquis shuttle with crates of cargo inside.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 58 times, Rare Received 1 time)
3* Component (Received 4 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 225 times, Rare Received 16 times)
3* Component (Received 7 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 32 times, Rare Received 2 times)
3* Component (Received 4 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Off the Books, Part 1

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Off the Books, Part 1
AT-Transporter Room.png An agent claiming to work for Section 31 has contacted me, demanding the use of the {shipname} for exactly 5 hours on a covert mission. With no way to verify her identity or Section 31's intentions, should I allow this, or refuse the request?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Allow the supposed agent to use the {shipname}.
(Choice A may lead to Off the Books, Part 2)
Refuse the supposed agent's demands.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
I ordered the entire crew to evacuate to our shuttles while the lone agent took the {shipname} to warp. She returned exactly 5 hours later with no mention of where she had been. Thankfully, the {shipname} was undamaged, and our "guest" left an unusual particle rifle in my ready room. When I refused to allow the {shipname} to be used in an unknown operation, the agent warned me that I was disobeying a direct order but did not press the issue. No mark ever appeared in my record, and when I told a trusted admiral about the encounter, she gave me access to newly developed hull emitters in exchange for a description of this agent.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 282 times, Rare Received 12 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 28 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Off the Books, Part 2

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Off the Books, Part 2
AT-Transporter Room.png We received an urgent distress call from the Section 31 agent who once borrowed the {shipname}. She is under attack from {Faction} ships and wants to be transported aboard. Her attackers, however, say she stole a valuable weapon from one of their research labs. Should I transport the agent to sickbay, transport her to our brig, or leave her to her fate?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Transport the wounded agent to sickbay. Transport the agent to the brig. Leave the agent to face the enemies she has made.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
Obeying the agent's request, we transported her to sickbay and fired a few warning shots at her pursuers. They put up a token resistance before retreating, and once the agent recovered, she shared a graviton rifle prototype she had taken from them. Faced with the prospect of fighting the {shipname}, the agents' pursuers retreated once the agent was in our custody. {Crewname} confiscated an infernite explosive from her pack, and despite her threats, I intend to see her held accountable for whatever she did on her latest mission. The agent's shuttle was destroyed only moments after we cut off communications. The pursuing ships snatched a cylindrical device from the wreckage and encouraged us to take whatever else we could find. {crewname} found a few field coils in decent condition.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton
Rare Crew (Received 3 times)
4* Component (Received 3 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Super Rare Behold including
Thot Gor Head.png
Thot Gor
(Received 5 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton
Rare Crew (Received 3 times)
4* Component (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Outstretched Talons

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Outstretched Talons
AT-Shuttlecraft Under Attack.png The {shipname} spotted a Romulan warbird crossing the border of the Neutral Zone into Federation space. According to our scans, they are having some difficulties with their sensors, but they are drifting towards a Federation outpost and not responding to hails. Should I order them to return to Romulan space, or drive them away by force?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Contact the Romulans and demand that they reverse course. Open fire on the trespassing Romulan warbird.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname} finally made contact with the warbird's captain, who explained that a sensor malfunction had led her ship across the Neutral Zone border. After we guided her crew back to their own territory, the captain sent us a classic Romulan painting out of thanks for our patience. {crewname} opened fire before the Romulans could get close to the nearest Federation outpost. They returned several badly-aimed disruptor shots before one of our torpedos destroyed their ship. The outposts' residents insisted that we dine with them after saving their home, although we have no clear idea what the Romulans' destination was.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 56 times, Super Rare Received 1 time)
4* Component (Received 1 time)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 208 times, Super Rare Received 13 times)
4* Component (Received 5 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Profit in the Wind

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Profit in the Wind
AT-Bartering with Ferengi.png The {shipname} was asked to negotiate a dispute between a Ferengi mining company and local colonists. The Ferengi recently discovered a massive tritanium ore deposit in the same star system as a {factionname} colony. Should the mining rights go to the colonists who own this star system, or the Ferengi company who found the deposit?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Give the mining rights to the colonists, who own this star system. Give the mining rights to the Ferengi company, who found the deposit.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
The outraged Ferengi swore to cut off all trade with the colonists when I gave them the tritanium mining rights. The colonists, however, are hopeful that their new mine will attract better trading partners. They offered us the first few kilograms of tritanium they have collected. Ever since I granted the mining rights to the Ferengi, ships from the colony have been attempting to steal their newly recovered tritanium. Nevertheless, the Ferengi are still turning a profit, enough that their grateful lead negotiator sent me a gold-plated drill bit.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 187 times, Rare Received 13 times)
3* Component (Received 1 time)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 105 times, Rare Received 5 times)
3* Component (Received 3 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Reality Unwound

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Reality Unwound
AT-Ambushing Federation Away Team.png We were tasked with retrieving a Starfleet officer who disappeared on a Class M planet. However, when we located him, he attacked us, insisting we are enemies and there to attack civilians. I suspect some sort of conditioning may be at work here. What should I do?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Use patience and empathy to get through to him. Take the officer back to the ship by force. Turn the situation over to Starfleet higher-ups.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
It takes awhile, but I try to break through these falsehoods the officer has been fed. While it is clear he has been deeply influenced and it will take time to accept the truth, he is persuaded enough to return with us. It's clear nothing can be resolved here. I have {crewname} subdue the officer and carry him back to our ship. I believe this situation is beyond my expertise. I'm going to have to reach out to Starfleet to send in specialists more suited to helping someone in this situation.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew Super Rare (Received 8 times 3 beholds) 600 honor / 75 Chroniton (Received 3 times) 100 honor / 75 Chroniton / 900 Merit (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.


Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Retrofit
AT-Son'a Collector.png We currently have spare space in the {shipname}'s cargo bay. {crewname1} wants to use it to develop an auxiliary deflector array, while {crewname2} wants to use it to develop an experimental torpedo. Should I give the space to {crewname1} or {crewname2}. Note - this is part 1 of a 2 part dilemma. Part 2 is called The Tools at Hand.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Give the space to {crewname1} for auxiliary deflector array. (Choice A unlocks Choice B of The Tools at Hand) Give the space to {crewname2} for torpedo development. (Choice B unlocks Choice C of The Tools at Hand)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname1} has turned the cargo bay into a force beam laboratory. The secondary deflector array is still in development, but the crew found some spare isolinear spanners while rearranging the cargo bay. {crewname2} and an engineering team immediately set about outfitting the cargo bay for their work. The new torpedo design is still in progress, but the crew found several forgotten pulse weapons while rearranging the cargo bay.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 162 times, Rare Received 13 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 164 times, Rare Received 10 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Sticks and Stones

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Sticks and Stones
AT-Dinner with the Enemy-The Undiscovered Country.png Starfleet Command asked the {shipname} to host a dinner between Klingon and Federation diplomats. Throughout the meal, one drunken Klingon captain spread insulting rumors he'd heard about the {shipname} and its crew. Should I ignore his insults, correct him, or return them in kind?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Endure the Klingon captain's insults. Insult the drunken captain for his behavior. Correct the offensive rumors the Klingon captain has heard.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
I ignored the captain's insults and ordered the crew to be on their most professional behavior. After the captain eventually staggered off to his quarters, a Vulcan diplomat complimented the crew on their restraint. She sent us a treatise on Surak's teachings before her party left the {shipname}. For every comment the captain made about our crew, I shared one twice as insulting about his cowardice in battle. The Federation diplomats weren't pleased, but one of the captain's Klingon companions, apparently fed up with his boasting, sent us a crate of well-aged bloodwine with her compliments. The captain barely seemed to hear my defense of the crew, but at least one of his companions acknowledged our achievements. After our guests had left, we kept the ceremonial candles we found in the captain's quarters as compensation for his behavior.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 26 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 61 times), Rare (Received 3 times)
3* Component (Received 1 time)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 200 times), Rare (Received 11 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

The Beginning of the End of the World

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png The Beginning of the End of the World
AT-Peacekeepers and Rioters.png An away team encountered a Bajoran vedek preaching that the temporal anomaly crisis is proof that the universe is about to end. His words have drawn quite a crowd, and many of them seem uneasy. Should I dispute his views, reassure his listeners, or allow him to speak his mind?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Debate the vedek.
(Choice A will lead to Choice C in The Voice of the Prophets)
Reassure the crowd that they are safe.
Allow the vedek to share his beliefs.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
The crowd seemed uninterested in {crewname}'s arguments, but the vedek was excited to engage in a genuine debate. After the crowd dispersed, he gave {crewname} a copy of an ancient Bajoran text which had brought him comfort in difficult times. {crewname}'s words calmed the crowd, but the vedek seemed unconvinced by them. He continued speaking as his audience dispersed, one member of which gave {crewname} a datapad about Bajoran prophecies. Another member of the vedek's sect saw the away team watching his speech and came to thank us for not interfering. She believes it helps him to air such fears aloud, at least in the short-term. She gave {crewname} a set of traditional candles before we left.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 236 times, Rare Received 11 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 44 times, Rare Received 7 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 10 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

The Buried Years

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png The Buried Years
AT-Survive Acid Pond.png The {shipname} discovered an ancient Yalosian colony below the surface of a planet. The equipment that once made the atmosphere breathable failed centuries ago, forcing them to retreat to contained structures underground. We have the technology to repair their terraforming equipment, but doing so would destroy much of the surface-dwelling life that has developed over the centuries. Should I restore the Yalosians' atmosphere, or leave the planet as it is?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Make the surface habitable for the Yalosians once again. Leave the planet's life to develop without interfering.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
It was relatively simple for {crewname} to repair the massive regulators which once filtered the planet's atmosphere. By the time the surface is habitable for the Yalosians once more, it will be completely unrecognizable, but they consider that a worthwhile price. Two of their artists sent us holoprograms depicting their ancient surface colonies, wonders of architecture that they hope to rebuild one day. Although we left the Yalosians' terraforming technology inactive, I ordered {crewname} to ensure that their underground colony was in a stable condition. The designs we observed from their life support systems may prove useful. The Yalosians made it clear that we would not be welcome back, though Starfleet Command seems to have understood our decision.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Super Rare (Received 32 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 8 times)
Component (1x 4* Received 7 times, 2x 4* Received 1 time)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Admiral Black or Vori Defender Chakotay or One Way Ticket Chapel (Received 1 time), Super Rare (Received 94 times), 5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 7 times)
4* Component (Received 6 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

The Cost of Living

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png The Cost of Living
AT-Under Surgery.png A Xindi-Primate colony requested our help in curing a devastating plague that has already killed thousands. During our efforts, {crewname] discovered that their doctors have been conducting experiments on their own citizens in a desperate search for a cure. Should we continue to help, refuse to help until they stop the experiments, or leave them to find a cure on their own?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Continue to help the colonist search for a cure Refuse to help until the colony's doctors have stopped these experiments. Leave the colonists to find a cure on their own
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
Using the data from the Xindi's experiments, our crew and the colony's doctors quickly developed a cure. Those cured of the final stages of the disease insisted on rewarding us for out help, but families of the citizens lost in the experiments have denounced us for working alongside murderers. By the time we convinced the doctors to stop their experiments, hundreds more had been infected by the plague. We eventually isolated a cure, though the colony's government is still counting just how many lives were lost in the search for it. One of their doctors sent us several medical treatises before we departed--whether out of gratitude or guilt, it's hard to say. Unable to condone the doctor's experiments, I ordered the crew to gather their supplies and return to the {ship name}. A few of our patients sent personal heirlooms in thanks for the help we'd already given, but many more begged us to stay.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
(Super Rare Received 29 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations Received 4 times
4* Component (Received 5 times)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
(Super Rare Received 23 times),
5x 5*Replicator Rations Received 5 times
4* Component (Received 3 times)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
(Super Rare Received 125 times now w/Behold),
5x 5*Replicator Rations Received 5 times
4* Component (Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

The Greater Need

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png The Greater Need
AT-Klingon Warrior Arrested.png Returning from an away mission, {crewname} found a {factionname} captain rifling through the away team's shuttle. She claimed she needed supplies to repair her own vessel, though there was no ship in sight. Should I confiscate the shuttle components the scavenger has taken or let her go?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Confiscate the stolen items. Allow the scavenger to leave with what she has taken.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
{crewname} searched the thief, reclaiming the supplies she stole from the shuttle as well as several schematics she was carrrying. She shouted insults at the away team as she left. I allowed the captain to walk away with an armful of non-critical shuttle components. To thank the away team, she gave the coordinates of a kemocite-rich moon she passed before reaching this planet.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 43 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
Uncommon (Received 263 times), Rare (Received 14 times)
3* Component (Received 4 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

The Tools at Hand

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png The Tools at Hand
AT-Shuttlecraft Under Attack.png A Talaxian shuttle approached the {shipname} being pursued by an unidentified probe. The shuttle's only passenger hailed us to request help as the probe fired several disruptor blasts at its impulse drive.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Distract the probe with phaser fire. Disable the probe with {crewname}'s new deflector array.
(Requires Choice A in Retrofit)
Destroy the probe with {crewname}'s new experimental torpedo.
(Requires Choice B in Retrofit)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
The probe was unusually resistant to our phaser fire. Both the {shipname} and the Talaxian shuttle were damaged before the probe abruptly reversed course and jumped to warp. The Talaxian captain could not explain why it had attacked him, but he gave us a supply of valuable scrap metal to thank us for the timely rescue. Channelling our main deflector through {crewman}'s new deflector array, we disabled the probe's power source with a single focused beam. We are still searching for clues as to it's origins, but we did find a useful salvageable energy matrix inside. The torpedo must have struck the probe near its power core, as it was instantly destroyed. From the scattered remains, it's hard to tell where the probe came from or what its purpose was, but the Talaxian captain thanked us for saving him from it. He gave us a set of valuable artifacts from his cargo hold.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 4 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 18 times, Super Rare Received 2 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / 500 Ship Schematics Legendary Behold
(Received 3 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

The Voice of the Prophets

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png The Voice of the Prophets
AT-Sabotage Cardassians.png The apocalyptic vedek we once met at a Bajoran outpost (in The Beginning of the End of the World) has stolen one of the Tears of the Prophets, believing it will tell him the truth about what the future holds.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Ask the vedek to hand over the Orb. Stun him before he can open the Orb. Convince the vedek that he does not need the Orb's visions.
(Requires Choice A from The Beginning of the End of the World)
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
Despite {crewname}'s words, the vedek looked into the Orb... and instantly fell unconscious. Doctors believe his body will recover, but whatever he saw had a grave effect on his mind. He would not speak, but before we left the planet, he wordlessly handed us a sketch of an unfamiliar star system. {Crewname} incapacitated the vedek before he could look into the Orb, and he was placed under medical observation. Some of his fellow vedeks gave us a food from their arboretum to thank us for intervening. They were worried he would not endure whatever visions the Orb held for him. {crewname} spoke with the vedek once again, advising him to trust his own beliefs instead of looking into something as dangerous as the Orb. After returning it to the temple, he offered {crewname} a copy of his personal writings and an apology for the actions his fears drove him to.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 7 times, Super Rare Received 1 time)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Rare (Received 12 times) 60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Super Rare Behold including
The Clown Head.png
The Clown
(Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

True to the Uniform

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png True to the Uniform
AT-Starfleet Headquarters Meeting.png A young Starfleet commander visited the {shipname} on our way to Memory Delta. Although his service record was impressive, he took every opportunity to mock and undermine my crew. After he left the ship, Starfleet Command asked my thoughts about promoting him to captain. Should I recommend him, advise them not to promote him, or decline to answer?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice C
Recommend the commander for promotion Advise Against promoting the commander. Decline to comment on the potential promotion.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution C
In light of the commander's otherwise exemplary service, I recommended him for promotion. After Starfleet Command approved the motion, the newly minted captain sent me a gift with an apology for how he treated my crew. After I gave a detailed report of the commander's behavior, Starfleet Command decided not to promote him. One of the admirals I spoke with sent a bottle of Acamarian brandy in thanks for the information I shared. I informed Starfleet that I didn't spend enough time with the young commander to have a clear sense of his character. The commander's mother, a vice admiral, sent me several new Federation star charts, perhaps in thanks for not mentioning her son's behavior
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice C Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 36 times, Rare Received 2 times)
3* Component (Received 4 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 66 times, Rare Received 1 time)
3* Component (Received 1 time)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 205 times, Rare Received 14 times)
3* Component (Received 5 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

What Smiles May Hide

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png What Smiles May Hide
AT-Back Alley Trade.png A {factionname} trader with a questionable reputation asked for passage aboard the {shipname}. We have no proof that any of the cargo he is carrying does not belong to him, but his reputation may cause trouble for us while we travel. Should I allow the trader to join us, or tell him to find another transportation?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Allow the trader to board the {shipname}. Tell the trader to make other arrangements.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
The trader was pleasant company throughout our voyage, but just before we reached {planetname}, a {factionname} captain hailed us asking about our passenger's whereabouts. He had already left the {shipname} by the time we went looking for him, but he left a beautiful {factionname} statuette behind in his quarters. Shortly after the trader stormed off, we met two {factionname} lieutenants who were searching for him and some of his illegally acquired cargo. When we gave them his last known coordinates, they shared the location of a tritium-rich nebula they had recently passed.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 286 times, Rare Received 19 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
30 honor / 30 Chroniton / Crew
(Uncommon Received 49 times, Rare Received 2 times)
3* Component (Received 2 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Where Earth Meets Sky

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Where Earth Meets Sky
AT-Corridor Explosion.png A collision with an inbound freighter sent a Cardassian orbital station spiraling towards the planet below. Many civilians are still trapped on board, and many more wait on the planet's surface. Should I continue evacuating those trapped on the station, or destroy it before the impact ends more lives on the planet.
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Evacuate the station for as long as possible, allowing it to crash. Destroy the station before it can impact the planet's surface.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
We transported the last person off of the statiton seconds before it struck the planet's surface. Though there was no settlement directly beneath it, the impact caused massive earthquakes in nearby cities, and the local government is still counting the casualties. The civilians we rescued from the station have sent us keepsakes scavenged from their remaining belongings. I gave {crewmember} the order to fire on the station. Though we waited as long as possible before destroying it, dozens of civilians were still trapped on board. Those on the planet below sent us valuable disruptor parts in thanks, but the families of those lost on the station will not be as forgiving.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Super Rare (Received 31 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 2 times)
Component (1x 4* Received 4 times, 2x 4* Received 2 times)
100 honor / 75 Chroniton / Crew
Super Rare (Received 115 times),
5x 5* Replicator Rations (Received 13 times)
4* Component (Received 1 time)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Winter's Price

Voyages Dilemma Orange Icon.png Winter's Price
AT-Cold Night-Hot Rock.png An away team found a crashed Arkonian shuttle on a snow-bound planet. The only survivors were the captain and a ragged prisoner in the brig, who's ship's records indicates has been accused of murder. Both are hypothermic, and the away team only has enough thermal blankets to resuscitate one. Should I order them to save the captain or the prisoner?
Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice A Voyages Dilemma Choice Icon.png Choice B
Save the captain. Save the prisoner.
Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution A Voyages Dilemma Resolved Icon.png Resolution B
The away team stabilized the captain and did what they could for the prisoner, but by the time all of them reached sickbay, only the captain survived. He reassured us that the prisoner had been accused of an exceptionally violent murder, and to thank us for saving him, insisted that we take whatever information we wished from his ship's medical database. The away team stabilized the prisoner and did what they could for the captain, but by the time all of them reached sickbay, only the prisoner survived. He told us the captain had treated him abominably for a crime he was not even convicted of, and directed us to a stash of felicium in the shuttle which he's seen the captain using.
Daily reward chest.png Choice A Rewards ** Daily reward chest.png Choice B Rewards **
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 148 times, Super Rare Received 8 times)
4* Component (Received 2 times)
60 honor / 50 Chroniton / Crew
(Rare Received 95 times, Super Rare Received 4 times)
4* Component (Received 3 times)
** Rewards are undetermined at this time to be consistent. Rewards shown for each choice are based on player submissions.
There may be variations based on length of Voyage and possible RNG.

Received Crew


Uncommon crew can be received after the first dilemma.


Rare crew can be received mostly after the second dilemma.
Ambassador Neelix Head.png
Ambassador Neelix received 1 time in Off the Books, Part 2 Choice A

Super Rare

Super Rare crew can be received at least after the third dilemma. It seams to be a higher change to get Super Rare chars after 6 hours. Multiple refilling of Antimatter may be useful.

Colonel Worf

Reward path for
Colonel Worf Head.png
Colonel Worf
needs at least enough Antimatter for 6 hours to finish 3 Dilemmas:
Champion of the People, Part 1 Choice A: Reveal their leader's true identity.
Champion of the People, Part 2 Choice B: Give the Ventaxian a chance to flee.
Champion of the People, Part 3 Choice B: Encourage the former mercenary and the colonists to work together.

Dr. Leonard McCoy

Reward path for
Dr. Leonard McCoy Head.png
Dr. Leonard McCoy
needs at least enough Antimatter for 6 hours to finish 3 Dilemmas:
A Higher Duty, Part 1 Choice A: Give a rousing speech in support of the diplomat.
A Higher Duty, Part 2 Choice B: Suggest a harsh sentence in light of the consequences of his theft.
A Higher Duty, Part 3 Choice B: Talk him down before he or anyone else is hurt.

Ensign Picard

Reward path for
Ensign Picard Head.png
Ensign Picard
needs at least enough Antimatter for 6 hours to finish 3 Dilemmas:
Champion of the People, Part 1 Choice A: Reveal their leader's true identity.
Champion of the People, Part 2 Choice B: Give the Ventaxian a chance to flee
Champion of the People, Part 3 Choice A: Reinforce the Ventaxian colony.

Fierce Guinan

Reward path for
Fierce Guinan Head.png
Fierce Guinan
needs at least enough Antimatter for 6 hours to finish 3 Dilemmas:
A Higher Duty, Part 1 Choice A: Give a rousing speech in support of the diplomat.
A Higher Duty, Part 2 Choice B: Suggest a harsh sentence in light of the consequences of his theft.
A Higher Duty, Part 3 Choice A: Disable his ship before he can harm the colony.


Reward path for
Jannar Head.png
needs at least enough Antimatter for 4 hours to finish 2 Dilemmas:
A Life Alone, Part 1 Choice A: Encourage the young Trill to join Starfleet.
A Life Alone, Part 2 Choice A: Tell him to remain at Starfleet Academy.


Reward path for
Lucien Head.png
needs at least enough Antimatter for 4 hours to finish 2 Dilemmas:
Interference, Part 1 Choice B: Take a sample back to the {shipname} for further study.
Interference, Part 2 Choice A: Lure the substance out without harming it.

The Clown

Reward path for
The Clown Head.png
The Clown
needs at least enough Antimatter for 4 hours to finish 2 Dilemmas:
The Beginning of the End of the World Choice A: Debate the vedek.
The Voice of the Prophets Choice C: Convince the vedek that he does not need the Orb's visions.

Thot Gor

Reward path for
Thot Gor Head.png
Thot Gor
needs at least enough Antimatter for 4 hours to finish 2 Dilemmas:
Off the Books, Part 1 Choice A: Allow the supposed agent to use the {shipname}.
Off the Books, Part 2 Choice B: Transport the agent to the brig.


Voyage-specific legendary crew can drop from any Dilemma beginning at the six hour mark. No specific chain is required to acquire them, and multiple copies of each crew can be obtained.
