Common Starfleet Women

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Due to limited crew capacity, we often dismiss common Common without thought. However, some one-star crew which are Starfleet and are female may be worth leveling up because of their ability to participate in two or even three current Cadet Challenges. This is especially true in regards to Medicine since there are no two-star medical crew possessing both attributes.

Dual-Eligible Common Crew

The following are the maxed (or best known) stats of one-star crew who can participate in both Ex Astris, Scientia and A Certain Formality:

Crew Member CMD DIP ENG SEC SCI MED Remarks
Chief Engineer Torres Head.png
Chief Engineer Torres
Avg: 302
Engineering 252
Avg: 194
Security 97
Also triple-eligible for Part-Alien
Traits: Starfleet, Human, Klingon, Maquis, Innovator, Jury Rigger, Saboteur, Cyberneticist
Comm Officer Uhura Head.png
Comm Officer Uhura
Avg: 315.5
Diplomacy 258
Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet, Communicator
Counselor Troi Head.png
Counselor Troi
Avg: 319.5
Diplomacy 254
Avg: 237
Medicine 147
The best alien diplomat below 3 stars.
Also triple-eligible for Part-Alien
Traits: Federation, Starfleet, Human, Betazoid, Empath, Counselor
Desert Ezri Dax Head.png
Desert Ezri Dax
Avg: 230
Diplomacy 183
Avg: 299
Medicine 223
Also triple-eligible for Part-Alien
Traits: Federation, Starfleet, Trill, Counselor
Ensign Chapel Head.png
Ensign Chapel
Avg: 306
Medicine 214
Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet, Nurse
Ensign Ogawa Head.png
Ensign Ogawa
Avg: 312
Medicine 213
Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet, Nurse
Lt. Jadzia Dax Head.png
Lt. Jadzia Dax
Avg: 249
Engineering 208
Avg: 292
Science 262
Best triple-eligible scientist for Part-Alien
Traits: Federation, Starfleet, Exobiology, Astrophysicist, Trill
Yeoman Rand Head.png
Yeoman Rand
Avg: 199.5
Command 164
Avg: 155.5
Diplomacy 117
Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet