The Triskelion Tournament/Faction Missions

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Faction missions from The Triskelion Tournament.

The Triskelion Tournament: Federation

Mission Name 1st
Mission Text Success Failed
En Garde Security
Engineering Engineering
Hikaru Sulu has offered to distract the Providers' knights so their prisoners can be freed, but he'll need a decent sword to defend himself. See what you can make with the planet's medieval smithing equipment. The planet’s equipment may be medieval, but engineering is still engineering. After several hours laboring over a forge, the away team hands Sulu a well-balanced rapier. He eagerly sets off to distract the knights. The away team emerges from the medieval forge covered in sweat and soot, without a sword to show for it. If Sulu is going to distract the Providers' guards, he'll have to do it empty-handed.
Hospitality Engineering Security
Science Command
Starfleet believes the planet's Caretaker is being held captive inside the network of caves beneath its surface. If an away team can find him, he could help dismantle the Providers' defenses. The away team follows a pair of tracks through the underground caverns until they find a room guarded by two swordsmen. Making short work of the guards, they free the Caretaker from his prison. Surrounded by an eerie maze of caves, some hung with partially disassembled robots, the away team returns to the planet's surface shaken, with no further leads on the Caretaker's location.
In the Tallest Tower Science
Command The Providers have erected a dampening field around the planet, and one of its generators is stored in a high, stone tower. Tom Paris wants to scale the tower and shut it down, but he cannot make the climb alone. The away team adapts medieval tools to use as pitons for the climb up the tower. Thanks to their help during a few close calls, Paris reaches the top of the tower and disables one of the dampening field’s generators. The away team can't keep up with Paris as he scales the back of the tower, and their scrabbling alerts a troop of soldiers below. Half of the away team members are injured as they repel down the tower to flee.
Lighter Entertainment Science Diplomacy
Diplomacy Voyager's EMH plans to halt the Providers' tournament with a performance while other officers work on their escape plans. Unfortunately, he and his performing troupe are having creative differences over what to play. While the EMH and his performing troupe argue, the away team composes a heart-warming ballad that combines both of their tastes. They begin rehearsing at once for their performance in front of the Providers. Voyager's EMH wants to perform an hour-long ballad while his musicians want to play dancing music, and nothing the away team says can reconcile them. Their plan to distract the Providers grinds to a discordant halt.
Metal and Bone Security
Command Science
Medicine The android Ruk has offered to get close to the Providers and learn their plans, but though he can imitate voices, he cannot change his face. Alter Ruk's features to resemble one of the Providers' personal knights. The away team has to devise unorthodox surgical techniques to reshape Ruk’s android features, but in the end, he resembles one of the Providers’ knights. He promises to report back with whatever he learns. Reshaping an android's features is a far cry from surgically altering flesh. The away team cannot make Ruk look like anyone but himself, and they are barely able to reconstruct his original face.
Signals and Noise Security
The planet's robotic creations have no lifesigns, making them difficult for scans to locate. Modify a tricorder to detect these lifeforms and get advance warning of approaching guard patrols. The away team boosts the tricorder’s range and sets it to scan for multicellular castings, just in time to detect the Providers’ guards heading their way. They escape in time to share their modifications with other Starfleet teams. The away team sets their tricorder to scan for the multicellular castings that make up the planet's newly created knights, but they cannot boost its range enough to make such detection useful.
The Providers' Right Hand Science
Diplomacy Security
Galt, the Providers' master thrall, has accompanied them to their new home. He may know some of the Providers' weaknesses, but the trick will be getting him alone for such a conversation. The away team poses as fellow thralls and begins insulting the providers. When Galt lingers to punish them, he finds himself surrounded and easily gives up information on his masters’ weaknesses. The away team attempts to ambush Galt and draw him away from the Providers, but dozens of knights are soon charging through the forest after them. They leave Galt behind as they run for their lives.
The Rule Book Diplomacy
As a JAG attorney, Areel Shaw believes she can stall the Providers' dangerous games by debating the rules. First, however, she'll need a thorough briefing on the rules of Earth's own medieval tournaments. The away team drills Shaw on jousting formats and different interpretations of chivalry. When she addresses the Providers, she embroils them in such convoluted arguments that their games are halted for days. The away team's heads are spinning with codes of chivalry and knightly contests, and their briefing leaves Shaw equally confused. She only argues with the Providers for an hour before they order her out of sight.
Thesis Statement Security
Command Diplomacy
Diplomacy Although trapped by the Providers, Bruce Maddox seems more interested in studying the planet's robotic simulacrums than escaping. Convince him to examine them and help find their weaknesses. The away team draws on Maddox’s own research to point out just how deadly the planet’s robotic knights will be if the Providers win the tournament. Maddox finally agrees to search for an off switch on the robots. No matter how the away team argues with him, Maddox swears he won't shut a single one of the planet's robots down until he's had more time to study them for his cybernetics research.
Under Siege Science Engineering Security
Security Security
Helmsman Hector Ilario is flying a shuttle down to the planet to rescue trapped officers, but the Providers' guards are using a ballista to hurl massive spears at it. Disable the ballista before the shuttle goes down! Half of the away team distracts the ballista’s operators while the rest target it with flaming arrows. The siege weapon goes up in flames and Hector’s shuttle reaches the ground, where officers begin scrambling aboard. The away team clashes with the ballista's guards, but they cannot get close enough to stop it from firing at Hector's shuttle. The shuttle careens off course and crashes in the nearby woods.

The Triskelion Tournament: Klingon Empire

Mission Name 1st
Mission Text Success Failed
Deeds Worthy of Legend Science
Command Diplomacy
Famed opera singer Barak-Kadan is composing a song to lift the Klingons' spirits, but he has not seen most of the tournament play out. Recount the warriors' deeds to him so he can write a worthy ballad. The away team reenacts the tournament for Barak-Kadan, showing him every near-miss and glorious victory. Their wind performance inspires him to write a whole trilogy of ballads about his fellow Klingons’ exploits. The away team gives Barak-Kadan a dry, factural account of the tournament so far, nearly putting him to sleep. He is so bored by the end of it that he decides to return to Qo'noS instead of completing his ballad.
Endurance Science
Medicine General Stex has been badly wounded in a melee round of the tournament. He insists he can carry on to the next round, but if he's going to survive it, he'll need serious medical treatment, and quickly. The away team staunches the worst of Strex’s wounds, and restores mobility to his one hand so he can hold a sword. He vows to make their efforts worth it as he marches off to fight in the next melee. Strex's one arm is so badly wounded that he cannot hold a sword, and the away team cannot get him back on his feet before the next round of the melee begins. Strex remains on the sidelines, injured and ashamed.
An Honest Fight Science
Command Security
Advocate Ch'Pok is arguing that one of the Providers' knights cheated when he unseated a Klingon in a joust, but he'll need evidence to prove his claim. Send an away team to recover the Black Knight's lance. The away team waits until the Black Knight is called for another joust before sneaking into his tent. They find that his lance has been unfairly weighted, evidence Ch’Pok can use to get his Klingon opponent a rematch. The away team steps inside the Black Knight's tent only to run into the knight himself. When one of them tries to snatch his lance from its stand, the Black Knight draws his sword and chases them out.
Into the Saddle Diplomacy
For the Klingons to stand a chance in a joust, they'll need to learn to ride horses. Neither the horses nor the Klingons are excited about the prospect, and it will take a patient trainer to get them working together. The away team covers the reluctant Klingons in pheromones that, unlike their natural scent, are soothing to the horses. Though the Klingons say they’d rather ride sarks, they soon get used to riding horses in the lists. No matter how the away team coaxes the horses, they cannot convince the animals to let Klingons--beings they see as predators--get close to them. It will be hard for the Klingons to joust on their own two feet.
Polished Steel Security
Warriors need weapons as well as courage, and the Providers have given the Klingons feeble blades. The Minosians typically sell modern weaponry, but perhaps an away team can acquire something more medieval. The away team challenges the Minosians, daring them to find the finest swords in the quadrant. The Minosians return a few days later with an array of longswords that any Klingon would be proud to wield. The Minosians do not have any weapons in the style of Earth's Middle Ages, and no matter how politely the away team asks if they can find some, the Minosians say that they'd be better off purchasing phasers.
The Proper Attire Security Engineering
Engineering Engineering
Most Klingon armor is designed for phaser fights or hand-to-hand combat, not the mounted combat of a joust. See if you can adapt a suit of armor to better protect the warriors in the tournament. The away team casts light but durable breastplates and helms for the Klingons from a diburnium alloy. They’ll need to get used to wearing thicker armor, but it should protect them from stray lances in the jousts. In their efforts to keep the Klingons safe, the away team outfits them with full-body armor so heavy that even Klingons can barely move in it. The warriors insist on taking their chances with their own, lighter armor.
Rallying Cry Science
Security Security
Command General K'Vagh was leading the Klingons in the tournament's melees, but he is too wounded to continue. They need new allies to lead them to victory as the Providers call for a battle royale! The away team keeps the Klingons at the edges of the battle, striking quickly without being drawn into the thick of it. When the dust settles, they are the last ones standing! The away team leads the Klingons in a bold charge into the melee, but soon they're in the thick of the fighting with no way out. Surrounded and outnumbered, they lose this round of the tournament.
Steady Hands Command
Command Science
Security Diplomacy Though many Klingon warriors are skilled hunters, they are uncomfortable with medieval Terran-style bows. Convince them to accept the archery lessons Tuvok has offered before the Providers' archery contest begins. The away team convinces the Klingons to watch Tuvok at work, and once they see him hit the bullseye three times in a row, they eagerly accept his archery lessons. All of Tuvok’s pupils perform well in the archery contest. The away team's insistence that the Klingons take archery lessons only makes them determined to win the contest on their own. To their great shame, only one of them even manages to hit the target.
Too Much to Lose Command
Command Diplomacy Science
There are rumors that Duras, unwilling to accept that the Providers might win the tournament, is planning to cheat in his upcoming fight. Confront Duras before the contest and make sure it will be a fair fight. Though Duras swears he has no plans to cheat, a scan with the away team’s tricorders reveals a hidden blade inside his boot. They disarm him just as he is sent to the dueling ground, forced to fight his opponent honestly. When the away team confronts Duras, he swears to fight with honor, but when it is time for him to face one of the Providers' knights, he uses a hidden blade to slay his opponent. His deception lands him in a cell.
A Warrior's Drink Diplomacy Science
Kor swears he can drink any of the Providers' robotic warriors under the table, but someone will have to convince the Providers that a drinking contest is worth adding to their tournament. The Providers allow Kor’s drinking contest after the away team portrays it as a new experience. Kor is on his second barrel of bloodwine by the time the robot knight across from him slumps, sputtering, to the floor. The away team argues with the Providers, but they take one look at Kor and scoff that they have no interest in seeing an old man drink himself into a stupor. Kor's drinking contest will not be added to the tournament.

The Triskelion Tournament: Ferengi Traditionalist

Mission Name 1st
Mission Text Success Failed
Beginner's Luck Command Security Science Engineering
Engineering DaiMon Bractor has been enlisted in the Providers' archery contest. Having never held a bow, Bractor has no hope of winning, unless you can make his target appear as though it is full of arrows. The away team attaches holographic emitters to Bractor’s target before the archery contest. While Bractor’s shots land in the forest beyond, the away team programs holographic arrows to appear in the bullseye. The away team is hiding behind Bractor's target with a handful of arrows, ready to stick them in his target to make it look like he's hit the bullseye, when Bractor accidentally shoots two of them in the side.
The Best Defense Security Command
Science Engineering All of the Traditionalists are uneasy about having to compete in a hand-to-hand brawl. Rig several portable force field generators to give them some subtle protection from their opponents. The away team outfits each Ferengi fighter with an individual force field generator and armor to cover it. The generators keep their wearers from getting a single bruise while their competitors fall around them. The away team's portable force fields work at the start of the melee, but as they take damage in the fight, the fields sputter and shut down, leaving the Ferengi wearers defenseless against the nearest swinging sword.
Beverage of Champions Command Diplomacy
The Providers' knights don't seem to eat, but they sometimes ingest an oil-like substance. Nilva, chairman of Slug-o-Cola, wants to sell a new line of his drink to them, one that will slow them down in their fights. The away team studies several damaged knights before brewing a new line of Slug-o-Cola. Based on the knights unusual construction, this should stiffen up their robotic joins, if Nilva can convince them to drink it. With no idea how the knights' bodies work, the away team has a difficult time making a drink that will harm them. The beverage they end up with tastes foul, but there's no telling what effect it will have on the knights.
Equal Footing Science Engineering
A knight has challenged the ruthless DaiMon Lurin to a duel. Lurin believes he can win, but just in case, he wants someone to reprogram his opponent with less fearsome combat subroutines. The away team corners Lurin’s opponent and manages to stuns him. By the time they’re done reprogramming the knight’s subroutines, he can still hold a sword, but he’ll be no match for Lurin in a one-on-one duel. The away team tries to capture and reprogram the knight Lurin will be fighting, but even with the whole away team surrounding him, he's too skilled a swordsman for them to defeat. Lurin doesn't stand a chance.
Equine Issues Medicine
The Traditionalists need more time to rig the next joust so their contestant can win. They've asked for an away team to examine their opponents' horses and report any concerning signs of "illness." The knights say their horses look fine, but the away team warns them that’s how the Ankaran flu starts. The knights postpone the joust until their horses have “recovered,” giving the Ferengi time to rig the contest. The away team finds nothing wrong with the knights' horses, and their attempt to paint a rash on the horses' hides is noticed by their riders, who have the away team thrown out of the tournament grounds.
Knock-Out Security
Command Science
Engineering If the Traditionalists are going to have to joust, they want to be sure that they can win. Find a way to integrate a phaser into a lance so they can stun their opponents as they ride towards them. The away team hollows out a lance to conceal a phaser in its handle. As long as the Ferengi activate it once they’re close to their opponents, no one will know that it’s the phaser and not the lance that unseated them. The away team's poor design makes it obvious that there are phasers attached to the handles of the Ferengi's lances. When one of them tries to stun his opponent from across the field, he is thrown out of the tournament.
Raise the Stakes Security
Command Diplomacy
Diplomacy Quark has started a betting pool on the next round of the tournament, but no one wants to take the high odds he's placed on his own people. Round up more takers to show that the Ferengi have the crowd's support. The away team paints the Traditionalists as plucky underdogs, and soon half of the nearest bystanders have bet in the Ferengi’s favor. The cheering crowd bolsters their spirits and Quark’s betting pool. The away team pleads with bystanders to bet on the Traditionalists, but they take one look at the nervous Ferengi facing down towering nights and bet against them. Quark's betting pool is stacked against his own people.
Reluctant Rider Diplomacy
Science Quark's uncle Frin has been forced to joust against one of the Providers' most powerful knights. Frin has no chance of winning, perhaps not even of surviving, unless you can tip the odds in his favor. The away team positions themselves in the stands, each with a goblet of wine. They reflect sunlight off the goblets into Frin’s opponent’s eyes, and, blinded, he falls off his charging horse before Frin even touches him. The away team hurls insults (and event a few pieces of rotten vegetables) at the knight charging down the lists towards Frin, but words and vegetables alike simply glance off of him as he knocks Frin into the dirt.
Swords for Hire Command
Diplomacy Knowing they cannot beat the Providers' knights on their own, the Traditionalists are looking to hire some more muscle. Help their negotiators convince a Breen mercenary that this contest is worth his time. The away team doesn’t mention the unusual circumstances of the contest, just the ample reward the Ferengi are offering. The Breen mercenary asks for half the payment up front, but agrees to fight for the Ferengi. The away team tries to intrigue the Breen with talk of chivalry and glory, but the mercenary barely seems to hear a word. The Traditionalists will have to find other allies to help them win the Providers' tournament.
Too Good to Be True Diplomacy
Command Science
The Provider's knights were all created with their own weapons, ones the Ferengi merchant Nava wants to replace with inferior versions. Help the Ferengi salesman make a deal with his robotic customers. The away team falsifies scans of Nava’s weapons to make them appear more durable and well-designed than they are. Some of the Providers’ knights sell their old weapons for Nava’s, which will soon break on them. The away team's arguments are persuasive, but the Providers' robotic knights know their own weapons well enough to see the defects in the ones Nava is selling. None of them take him up on his offer.