Star Trek Timelines:Admin noticeboard/Archive/5

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How are icons / Graphics added to items?

I'm trying to figure out to how to add the icons/graphics for Replicator Ration (fuel) on the item page I'm trying to create. There are multiple layers of spaghetti code that build an item page, and there is no howto, man page, or other useful docs that explain how the different pages / templates are tied together to control the item page contents that don't directly come from the main page.

This is VERY frustrating for a new user of this wiki trying to add items.

It seems like there is some automatic code that is supposed to auto add the icons to items when the file names match, but nothing explains the matching rules. There are also pages that share the same images with non-matching names, but there is no way to see / edit the logic of the one-off images, when the image file name isn't an exact match for item pagename.

I've tried uploading:

  • 100px-ReplicatorRationBasic.png
  • 100px-ReplicatorRation(fuel)Basic.png

so they would be picked up by the Replicator Ration (fuel) page, but neither file appears on the item page, I just get the generic icon.

Any specific assistance or reference to doc / man pages would be greatly appreciated. Flinx (talk) 15:39, 26 April 2017 (CDT)

OK, so "ItemName" really means "ImageName" or "GraphicFileName". One riddle solved. We need a section in the left Margin Under "Help" for HowTos to get people started. Just sending them to the Wikimedia help page doesn't do anything help newbie users understand structure of how this Wiki is set up. Flinx (talk) 18:35, 26 April 2017 (CDT)
The help button on the side is to help people to get started at editing. Most templates have documentation on their pages to walk someone through using them. {{ItemPage}} (i didn't write that one), needs some improvement. I had to take a look at how other items using ItemPage worked, and used the documentation as a reference. An example of a good template documentation (in my opinion) is {{EventList}}. I wrote that one, but made sure to include details for every option for the template. {{ItemX}} also has good documentation. If there is a template that doesn't have a good walkthrough on the template page, feel free to add one
As for a how to guide, i started making those months ago, but never had the time to finish all of them. See Star Trek Timelines:Style guide. (The bottom of the page has links to the guides i think this wiki needs. Any additional ones would be helpful). Titantalk 21:10, 26 April 2017 (CDT)

Thanks titan, I'll take a look at the guide and see how it can be expanded. Flinx (talk) 02:06, 27 April 2017 (CDT)