Mission Name
1st Crew |
2nd Crew |
3rd Crew |
4th Crew |
5th Crew
Mission Text
A Blunted Edge
The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance believes the M-5 multitronic unit is powerful enough to compute the variables needed to undermine the Terran Empire. The difficult part will be creating a non-lethal version of the computer.
Several dozen simulations and modified algorithms later, the away team activated the M-5 multitronic unit. It has not put any lives at risk thus far, and has been a great asset in the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance's efforts to weaken Emperor Spock.
As soon as the away team activated the M-5 multitronic unit, it immediately began sapping life support to power its own defenses. They've shut it down, but the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance will need another way to duplicate it.
All It Takes Is a Thought
Picard has hired a Lethean, known for their deadly telepathic abilities, to fight alongside him. The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance wants reassurance that such a dangerous ally will not harm their operatives.
The away team developed an inverse psionic resonator that can inhibit psionic fields at short distances. Alliance operatives carrying resonators should be safe from Picard's new Lethean ally if he betrays them.
The Lethan mercenary gave the away team the answers they wanted to hear, but his answers were too perfect to be honest. The away team suspects he may have been reading their minds during the interview.
A United Front
The mirror universe's ambitious version of Pavel Chekov claims that Picard is unqualified to lead a coup. If people heed his words, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance will lose its best weapon against the Terran Empire.
The away team convinced Chekov to put aside his bluster and slander for action. If his latest missions win support for his own coup, at least he will still undermine Emperor Spock's authority in the process.
Chekov laughed in the away team's faces when they ordered him to stop slandering Picard. Picard's rebels are beginning to break into factions, and the more divided they become, the less effective they will be against the Terran Empire.
Battlefield Thrills
Several Mari eager to experience violent thoughts volunteered to help the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, but the very emotions they sought overwhelmed them. Find a way to lessen the impact of such emotions.
Small but regular injections of dopamine have kept the Mari volunteers calm even when exposed to violent emotions. Their telepathic abilities have made it much easier for the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance's operatives to communicate.
The away team tried to gradually introduce the Mari to the darker emotions riddling the Alliance's operatives and Picard's own followers, but their patients never adapted. They will have to be sedated until they can handle such emotions.
Beneath the Scalpel
The sadistic version of Doctor Phlox objected to the new decree, but his attempt to disguise Picard's rebels as loyal Terran guards has led to more casualties than results. He could use another surgeon's assistance.
Half of the away team kept Phlox occupied during the facial reconstruction while the other half tended to their patient. Thanks to their efforts, the operative survived, and is now disguised as one of Spock's trusted officers.
Despite the away team's assistance, Phlox's impatience with his patients has left another would-be agent dead on the operating table. The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance will need other means to destabilize the Empire.
Even Emperors Bleed
If the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance could find detailed reports of the recent attempt on Emperor Spock's life, it might weaken the public's faith in their long-lived ruler, but such details are closely guarded.
While visiting Emperor Spock, the away team gained brief access to his personal files. They took his report of the assassination attempt to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, who will ensure that the Terran public sees it.
Limits of Loyalty
Once enslaved by Terran soldiers, Soval is one of the few people to publicly declare his support for Emperor Spock's reforms. Losing such a vocal ally would greatly weaken Spock's position.
When the away team told Soval the disheartening truth about Spock's past before he met the prime universe's Kirk, he reluctantly admitted that, reforms or no, Spock is still a dictator. Soval will withdraw his public support of the emperor.
Old Tricks
One mirror version of Travis Mayweather was imprisoned several years ago for joining a failed rebellion against Emperor Spock. Free the experienced MACO sergeant, and he will be a valuable ally against the emperor.
The away team smuggled a hypospray into Mayweather's cell, allowing him to knock out his guards. Thanks to their help, he is a free man, and he is eager to fight the emperor who imprisoned him.
Mayweather was too well guarded for the away team to rescue him, though their attempt convinced his guards he was in contact with someone outside his cell. He will likely be punished for their failed rescue.
Pawns on the Board
The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance knows many Kazon sects prefer to attack first and ask questions later. Convince the Kazon that Spock was planning to conquer them, and he will have one more enemy to fight.
The away team's falsified Terran Empire mission reports convinced three Kazon sects that Emperor Spock planned to conquer them. Determined not to be enslaved again, they have begun their own fight against the Empire.
Some Kazon make may be hasty, but they are not fools. They immediately saw through the away team's false records of Terran troop movements, ruining the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance's plan to pit them against Emperor Spock.
Tall Tales
The prime universe's Captain Kirk not only inspired Emperor Spock's reforms, he also bested Spock in hand-to-hand combat. Sensationalize Kirk's account of the fight, and more people may turn against Spock.
The away team turned Kirk's story of a deadly struggle into a holoprogram in which Spock is felled with a single blow. The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance will distribute the demoralizing program throughout the Empire.
Captain Kirk was honest with the away team about how he nearly lost his fight with Spock aboard the ISS Enterprise, and it is hardly the kind of material they can use to question Emperor Spock's strength.